按月归档: 1 月 2021


从全球来看,2020年是有记录以来最热的一年,实际上追平了2016年的纪录。总的来说,自19世纪80年代以来,地球的平均温度上升了超过2华氏度。由于人类活动,特别是二氧化碳和甲烷等温室气体的排放,气温正在上升。 影像来源:美国宇航局科学可视化工作室/洛莉·帕金斯/凯瑟琳·默斯曼 NASA的一项分析显示,2020年地球表面平均温度与2016年持平,是有记录以来最热的一年。 美国国家航空航天局戈达德空间研究所(GISS)的科学家表示,由于地球长期变暖的趋势,今年全球平均气温比1951-1980年的基线水平高出1.84华氏度(1.02摄氏度),在分析的误差范围内,2020年以非常小的幅度超过了2016年,使这一年实际上成为有记录以来最热的年份。 “过去七年是有记录以来最热的七年,代表了持续的、戏剧性的变暖趋势。”GI...


President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964, as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others, look on. NASA continues to fulfill the dream of diversity and inclusion in all its activities – from spaceflight to technology. As Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a letter to employees on Jan. 11, 2021: “I believe that the exampl...

NGC 2174的云山

2021年01月16日 The Mountains of NGC 2174 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Explanation: This fantastic skyscape lies near the edge of NGC 2174 a star forming region about 6,400 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation of Orion. It follows mountainous clouds of gas and dust carved by winds and radiation from the region’s n...


2021年01月15日 A Plutonian Landscape Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins Univ./APL, Southwest Research Institute Explanation: This shadowy landscape of majestic mountains and icy plains stretches toward the horizon on a small, distant world. It was captured from a range of about 18,000 kilometers when New Horizons looked back toward Pluto, 15 minutes after the sp...


是什么推动了雪茄星系(也就是所谓的梅西耶M82)大量气体和尘埃的喷射? 我们知道,成千上万颗恒星的爆发正在推动一股强大的超级风,将物质吹入星系间的空间。新的研究表明,磁场也有助于梅西耶M82的物质驱逐,这是一个著名的星爆星系的例子,具有独特的、细长的形状。 NASA的平流层红外天文观测站(SOFIA)的发现有助于解释尘埃和气体如何从星系内部移动到星际空间,并为星系的形成提供线索。这种物质富含碳和氧等支持生命的元素,是未来星系和恒星的基石。这项研究在美国天文学会的会议上进行了介绍。 SOFIA是NASA和德国航空航天中心(DLR))的联合项目,此前曾研究过梅西耶M82(雪茄星系的官方名称)核心附近磁场的方向。这一次,该团队使用了被广泛用于研究太阳周围物理的工具(称为太阳物理学),以了解在比以前大10倍的距离上环绕...


Inside star cluster NGC 602, a star-forming region in the Small Magellanic Cloud, bright, blue, newly formed stars are blowing a cavity in this nebula,sculpting the inner edge of its outer portions, slowly eroding it away and eating into the material beyond. The diffuse outer reaches of the nebula prevent the energetic outflows from streaming away from the c...


Despite searching with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have no evidence that a distant black hole estimated to weigh between 3 billion and 100 billion times the mass of the Sun is anywhere to be found. This missing black hole should be in the enormous galaxy in the center of the galaxy cluster Abell 2261, which ...


2021年01月14日 Aurora Slathers Up the Sky Image Credit: Jack Fischer, Expedition 52, NASA Explanation: Like salsa verde on your favorite burrito, a green aurora slathers up the sky in this 2017 June 25 snapshot from the International Space Station. About 400 kilometers (250 miles) above Earth, the orbiting station is itself within the upper realm of the auroral...


2021年01月13日 Arches Across an Arctic Sky Image Credit & Copyright: Giulio Cobianchi Explanation: What are these two giant arches across the sky? Perhaps the more familiar one, on the left, is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. This grand disk of stars and nebulas here appears to encircle much of the southern sky. Visible below the stellar arch is ...


The HUNCH – High school students United with NASA to Create Hardware – Program has expanded its partnership opportunities to the Dade County, Georgia, school system in Trenton. Students will increase their advanced manufacturing capabilities by producing super-strength carbon fiber elements for NASA, the International Space Station, and future deep space pro...