按月归档: 2 月 2021


为国际空间站提供新的动力来源…… 针对第二次绿色试跑进行的点火测试…… 太空发射系统的另一个重大推动力…… 最新新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 国际空间站的新能源 2月1日,迈克·霍普金斯和维克多·格洛弗在国际空间站外完成了5小时20分钟的太空行走,以更换太阳能阵列的电池并升级空间站的一些外部摄像头。太空行走结束了为期四年的工作,用新的锂离子电池更换老化的镍氢电池。计划在不久的将来再进行两次太空行走将重点放在安装新的太阳能电池阵列所需的工作上,这将增加空间站的现有电力供应。 针对第二次绿色试跑点火试验 NASA计划在2月21日这周在斯坦尼斯航天中心的B-2测试台上对太空发射系统(SLS)的核心级进行第二次绿色试跑点火试验。测试的确切日期将在测试准备就绪审查之后确定。点火试验是一系列八项测试中的最后一项,这些测...


2021年02月07日 Blue Straggler Stars in Globular Cluster M53 Image Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA Explanation: If our Sun were part of this star cluster, the night sky would glow like a jewel box of bright stars. This cluster, known as M53 and cataloged as NGC 5024, is one of about 250 globular clusters that survive in our Galaxy. Most of the stars in M53 are older an...


The tip of the “wing” of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy is dazzling in this 2013 view from NASA’s Great Observatories. The Small Magellanic Cloud, or SMC, is a small galaxy about 200,000 light-years way that orbits our own Milky Way spiral galaxy. The colors represent wavelengths of light across a broad spectrum. X-rays from NASA’s...


2021年02月06日 A Northern Winter Night Image Credit & Copyright: Lukasz Zak Explanation: Snow blankets the ground in this serene forest and sky view. Assembled in a 360 degree panoramic projection, the mosaicked frames were captured at January’s end along a quiet country road near Siemiony, northeastern Poland, planet Earth. The night was cold and be...


2021年02月05日 Apollo 14 Heads for Home Image Credit: Apollo 14, NASA, JSC, ASU (Image Reprocessing: Andy Saunders) Explanation: Fifty years ago this Sunday (February 7, 1971), the crew of Apollo 14 left lunar orbit and headed for home. They watched this Earthrise from their command module Kittyhawk. With Earth’s sunlit crescent just peeking over the luna...


Apollo 14 arrived in lunar orbit on Feb. 4, 1971, to prepare for the landing in and exploration of the Fra Mauro highlands. Apollo 14 launched carrying astronauts Commander Alan Shepard, lunar module pilot Edgar Mitchell, and command module pilot Stuart Roosa. Engineers had modified the spacecraft to prevent a recurrence of the accident that crippled Apollo ...


This picture of the waning gibbous Moon was taken on Jan 29, 2021, the day after its full Moon phase as the International Space Station orbited 264 miles above China near the Mongolian border. Humanity’s only orbital laboratory, the space station, orbits the Earth about 90 minutes or about 16 times every 24 hours. Image Credit: NASA 这张照片拍摄于2021年1月29日,也...


Victor Glover, a Navy pilot who has accumulated 3,000 flight hours in more than 40 aircraft, over 400 carrier arrested landings and 24 combat missions, took his first spacewalk on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021. In this image, he works to ready the International Space Station’s port-side truss structure for future solar array upgrades. View the Black History ...


The STS-107 crewmembers strike a ‘flying’ pose for their traditional in-flight crew portrait in the SPACEHAB Research Double Module aboard the space shuttle Columbia. From the left (top row), wearing blue shirts, are astronauts David M. Brown, mission specialist; William C. McCool, pilot; and Michael P. Anderson, payload commander. From the left (bottom row)...


2021年02月04日 Apollo 14: A View from Antares Image Credit: Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14, NASA; Mosaic – Eric M. Jones Explanation: Fifty years ago this Friday, Apollo 14’s Lunar Module Antares landed on the Moon. Toward the end of the stay astronaut Ed Mitchell snapped a series of photos of the lunar surface while looking out a window, assembled into ...