按月归档: 3 月 2021


2021年03月26日 The Medusa Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Josep Drudis Explanation: Braided and serpentine filaments of glowing gas suggest this nebula’s popular name, The Medusa Nebula. Also known as Abell 21, this Medusa is an old planetary nebula some 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Gemini. Like its mythological namesake, the nebula i...


This image, taken on March 5, 2021, shows NASA astronaut Kate Rubins during a spacewalk to install solar array modification kits to ready the International Space Station for newer, more powerful solar arrays being delivered. VIDEO: Vice President Harris Calls NASA Astronauts Shannon Walker and Kate Rubins #WomensHistoryMonth Image Credit: NASA 这张摄于2021年3月5日的...


2021年03月25日 Curiosity: Sol 3048 Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech – Processing: Elisabetta Bonora & Marco Faccin / aliveuniverse.today Explanation: Before Perseverance there was Curiosity. In fact, the Curiosity rover accomplished the first sky crane maneuver touchdown on Mars on April 5, 2012. March 2, 2021 marked Curiosity’s 3,048th martian d...


2021年03月24日 Aurorae and Lightning on Jupiter Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI; Text: Natalia Lewandowska Explanation: Why does so much of Jupiter’s lightning occur near its poles? Similar to Earth, Jupiter experiences both aurorae and lightning. Different from Earth, though, Jupiter’s lightning usually occurs near its poles — while muc...


阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis)登月任务火箭的点火测试;任命NASA下一任局长;为下一批空间站乘员腾出位置……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 来源:NASA 美国东部时间3月18日,太空发射系统(Space Launch System,SLS)火箭的核心级在密西西比州圣路易斯湾附近的斯坦尼斯航天中心(Stennis Space Center)进行了第二次“绿色试车”(Green Run)系列的点火测试(hot fire)。 来源:NASA 测试过程中,火箭的4个RS-25发动机全部同时点火,模拟核心级真实发射时的操作,在此期间它将产生约160万磅(约合712万牛顿)的推力。NASA代理局长史蒂夫·尤尔奇克(Steve Jurczyk)表示:“这是一个重要的里程碑,推进了我们的阿耳特弥斯目标,我为团队的天赋和努...


More than 11,000 years ago, a massive, supergiant star came to the end of its life. The star’s core collapsed to form an incredibly dense ball of neutrons, and its exterior was blasted away in an immense release of energy astronomers call a supernova. The light from this supernova first reached Earth from the direction of the constellation Cassiopeia a...


NASA has investigated humanity’s impact on a number of our home planet’s natural resources and recently explored our impact on freshwater resources. Scientists have now completed the first global accounting of fluctuating water levels in Earth’s lakes and reservoirs – including ones previously too small to measure from space. The research, publis...


美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和国际空间站(ISS)在妇女历史月(Women’s History Month)对在国际空间站这一在轨实验室进行科学研究的女性们进行庆祝。 截至2021年3月,有65名女性参与了太空飞行任务,包括宇航员、有效载荷专家和空间站参与人员。进入太空的第一位女性是前苏联宇航员瓦伦蒂娜·捷列什科娃(Valentina Tereshkova),她于1963年6月16日乘坐“东方六号”(Vostok 6)飞船进入太空。萨利·莱德(Sally Ride)是进入太空的第一位美国女性,她于1983年6月乘坐挑战者号航天飞机进入太空,执行编号为STS-7的飞行任务。 其他值得注意的第一次: 1984年7月25日,前苏联宇航员斯韦特兰娜·萨维茨卡娅(Svetlana Savitskaya)完成了持续3小时...


2021年03月23日 Mars over Duddo Stone Circle Image Credit & Copyright: Ged Kivlehan Explanation: Why are these large stones here? One the more famous stone circles is the Duddo Five Stones of Northumberland, England. Set in the open near the top of a modest incline, a short hike across empty fields will bring you to unusual human -sized stones that are unli...


2021年03月22日 From Auriga to Orion Image Credit & Copyright: Alistair Symon Explanation: What’s up in the sky from Auriga to Orion? Many of the famous stars and nebulas in this region were captured on 34 separate images, taking over 430 hours of exposure, and digitally combined to reveal the featured image. Starting on the far upper left, toward the...