按月归档: 3 月 2021

IC 1318:蝴蝶星云的气体和尘埃

2021年03月16日 IC 1318: The Butterfly Nebula in Gas and Dust Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Pham Explanation: In the constellation of the swan near the nebula of the pelican lies the gas cloud of the butterfly next to a star known as the hen. That star, given the proper name Sadr, is just to the right of the featured frame, but the central Butterfly Nebula...


2021年03月15日 Meteor Fireballs in Light and Sound Image Credit & Copyright: Thomas Ashcraft (Radio Fireball Observatory) Explanation: Yes, but have you ever heard a meteor? Usually, meteors are too far away to make any audible sound. However, a meteor will briefly create an ionization trail that can reflect a distant radio signal. If the geometry is right...


NASA uses pi every day! Pi is instrumental in developing the size of parachutes to land on the Red Planet. In fact, pi helps engineers determine how big the parachute needs to be in order to generate the drag needed to slow down craft landing on Mars. It also helps researchers map and explore Earth and planets in our own and other solar systems. In this June...


During the March 5, 2021, spacewalk, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi spent nearly 7 hours working on the farthest set of existing solar arrays on the International Space Station’s left (port) side, known as P6, to install a modification kit on solar array 4B and reconfigure the modification kit on 2B, completing tasks that ...


This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features an impressive portrait of M1-63, an example of a bipolar planetary nebula located in the constellation of Scutum (the Shield). A nebula like this one is formed when the star at its center sheds huge quantities of material from its outer layers, leaving behind a spectacular cloud of gas and dust. It...


Stacking is complete for the twin Space Launch System (SLS) solid rocket boosters for NASA’s Artemis I mission. Over several weeks, workers used one of five massive cranes to place 10 booster segments and nose assemblies on the mobile launcher inside the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Engineers with Exploration Gro...


March 8 of each year is celebrated around the globe as International Women’s Day. At NASA, women – be they scientists, pilots, astronauts or subject matter experts – help the agency fulfill its mission. Joan Higginbotham is one of those women. She was selected as an astronaut candidate in 1996. She began her career at NASA in 1987 as an electrical engi...


This artist’s impression of hypergiant star VY Canis Majoris shows the star’s vast convection cells and violent ejections. VY Canis Majoris is so large that if it replaced the Sun, the star would extend for hundreds of millions of miles, between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and R. Humphreys (University of Minnesota),...


It’s March 2021 and in about another month the Hubble Space Telescope will celebrate 31 years in space observing the universe. In this image celebrating Hubble’s 30th birthday, the giant red nebula (NGC 2014) and its smaller blue neighbor (NGC 2020) are part of a vast star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Mi...


来源:NASA 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 毅力号从火星发回了更多的声音… 阿耳忒弥斯1号的火箭助推器已全都堆砌完毕… 还有周末太空行走的预演… 最新新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 毅力号从火星发回了更多的声音 自2月18日登陆火星以来,毅力号火星车发回了更多的声音。在这批由火星车的超级摄像机录制的最新录音中你可以听到: “(激光冲击岩石)滴答,滴答,滴答,滴答…” 这是火星上一块岩石被激光击中的首次录音。这块岩石被命名为“Máaz”,这是纳瓦霍人对火星的称呼。激光撞击产生的一些声音要比其他声音稍微大一些,声音强度的变化可以为研究人员提供有关目标物体物理结构的线索。 (低沉的火星风声) 超级摄像机还记录了火星的风声,当时装有火星车麦克风的桅杆仍被收起。这种低沉的声音让人想起在海滩上听贝壳的声音,或者用手捂着...