按月归档: 5 月 2021


NASA conducted its fourth RS-25 single-engine hot fire test of the year on May 20, 2021, a continuation of its seven-part test series to support development and production of engines for the agency’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket on future missions to the Moon. The engine was fired for more than 8 minutes (500 seconds) on the A-1 Test Stand at Stennis Spa...


NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei peers into near-infrared medical-imaging gear, or optical coherence tomography, for detailed views of his retina as part of regularly scheduled eye checks aboard the International Space Station. Astronauts periodically check their eyes because of a phenomenon known as Space-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome (SANS). Symptoms inclu...


2021年05月21日 Utopia on Mars Image Credit: NASA, The Viking Project, M. Dale-Bannister (Washington University) Explanation: Expansive Utopia Planitia on Mars is strewn with rocks and boulders in this 1976 image. Constructed from the Viking 2 lander’s color and black and white image data, the scene approximates the appearance of the high northern martian ...


天文学家利用美国宇航局(NASA)的哈勃太空望远镜追踪了五个遥远星系螺旋臂上五次短暂而强大的射电爆发的位置。 这些被称为快速射电风暴(FRBs)的异常事件在千分之一秒内产生的能量相当于太阳一年产生的能量。由于这些短暂的无线电脉冲在眨眼之间就消失了,研究人员很难追踪到它们的来源,更不用说确定是什么或哪些物体造成了它们。因此,大多数时候,天文学家并不知道确切的观测地点。 天文学家利用哈勃太空望远镜追踪到上图中两个星系的旋臂处有两次短暂而强大的射电爆发。左边的两张图片展示了哈勃望远镜拍摄的每个星系的完整快照。右边的两张数字增强图像更详细地展示了每个星系的螺旋结构。这些射电爆发的目录名称是FRB 190714(上排)和FRB 180924(下排)。这些星系远离地球,呈现出数十亿年前的样子。这四幅图像中的每一幅都用虚线标...


2021年05月20日 M13: The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Dufour Explanation: In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, “This is but a little Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent.” Of course, M13 is now less modestly recognized as the Great Globular Clus...


Using scientific instruments aboard a self-propelled ocean glider and several airplanes, this first deployment of the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment (S-MODE) mission will deploy its suite of water- and air-borne instruments to ensure that they work together to show what’s happening just below the ocean’s surface. The full-fledged field campaign will...


对于新的太阳观测航天器来说,第一次太阳喷发总是特别的。 2021年2月12日,距离发射还有一年多的时间,欧洲航天局(ESA)和美国宇航局(NASA)的太阳轨道飞行器捕捉到了这一日冕物质抛射,或称CME。这张照片来自该任务的SoloHI仪器——太阳轨道日球成像仪的简称——该仪器可以观察太阳和行星之间的太阳风、尘埃和宇宙射线。 这是一个简短的、颗粒状的视图。太阳轨道飞行器的遥感要到11月才进入全面科学模式。SoloHI使用四个探测器中的一个,其频率低于正常频率的15%,以减少获取的数据量。尽管如此,敏锐的眼睛仍然可以发现突然爆发的粒子,即CME,正在逃离太阳,它在镜头的右上方。日冕物质抛射在视频的半途中以明亮的爆发开始——日冕物质抛射密集的前缘——并向屏幕左侧漂移。 太阳轨道日球成像仪(SoloHI)观测到的第一次...


2021年05月19日 The Jellyfish and Mars Image Credit & Copyright: Jason Guenzel Explanation: Normally faint and elusive, the Jellyfish Nebula is caught in this alluring scene. In the telescopic field of view two bright yellowish stars, Mu and Eta Geminorum, stand just below and above the Jellyfish Nebula at the left. Cool red giants, they lie at the foot of ...


As an atmospheric scientist, Jie Gong explores ice clouds and other frozen precipitation like snow, floating snow (which is snow in the atmosphere that does not hit the ground) and graupel, or hail. “I work on developing methods to best use satellite data to understand the microphysics of all frozen water particles in the atmosphere called frozen hydro...


In this March 2021 image, Flight Research Inc.’s Bell OH-58C Kiowa helicopter hovered over a helipad after completing an urban air mobility (UAM) approach at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center. The Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign used the helicopter as a representative vehicle to better understand how a future UAM vehicle will need to operate in...