按月归档: 7 月 2021


This artist’s illustration shows the Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn. Cassini made 22 orbits that swooped between the rings and the planet before ending its 13-year tour of the ringed planet on Sept. 15, 2017, with a final plunge into Saturn. Cassini spacecraft shared the wonders of Saturn and its family of icy moons—taking us to astounding w...


2021年7月15日 The Dark Tower in Scorpius Image Credit & Copyright: Data – Martin Pugh Processing – Rocco Sung Explanation: In silhouette against a crowded star field along the tail of the arachnalogical constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes for some the image of an ominous dark tower. In fact, clumps of dust and molecular gas c...

太阳帆小行星任务准备在阿尔忒弥斯 I号任务上发射

编者注:本文已被更新,以反映 NEA Scout 相机分辨率的正确公制转换。 NASA的近地小行星航天器被安全地藏在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的NASA强大的太空发射系统(SLS)火箭中。太阳航行立方体卫星是搭载阿尔忒弥斯I号任务的几个次级有效载荷之一,阿尔忒弥斯 I号任务是NASA SLS和猎户座飞船的首次综合飞行。 工程师为NEA Scout的整合和运输做好准备。 影像来源:NASA NEA Scout是一个鞋盒大小的小型航天器,它被封装在一个分配器中,并连接到连接SLS火箭和猎户座航天器的转接环上。阿尔忒弥斯 I号任务将是一次无人飞行测试。它还为几个立方体卫星提供深空运输,为像 NEA Scout 这样的小型航天器作为阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分到达月球和更远的地方提供机会。 NEA Scout航天器在NASA马...


On July 4, 2016, our Juno spacecraft arrived at Jupiter on a mission to peer through the gas giant planet’s dense clouds and answer questions about the origins of our solar system. Since its arrival, Juno has provided scientists with a treasure trove of data about the planet’s origins, interior structures, atmosphere and magnetosphere. Juno is the first miss...


This uniform in the center of this image belonged to one of the unsung heroes of the Space Shuttle Program – Travis Thompson, former Closeout Crew Lead. The closeout crew was responsible for assisting the astronauts to strap into the shuttle’s crew module and take care of any other last-minute needs that arose. Ultimately, they close and seal the crew ...


2021年7月14日 GW200115: Simulation of a Black Hole Merging with a Neutron Star Video Credit: Simulation: S.V. Chaurasia (Stockholm U.), T. Dietrich (Potsdam U. & MPIGP); Visualization: T. Dietrich (Potsdam U. & MPIGP), N. Fischer, S. Ossokine, H. Pfeiffer (MPIGP) Explanation: What happens when a black hole destroys a neutron star? Analyses indicate th...


2021年7月13日 Saturn’s Iapetus: Painted Moon in 3D Image Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL, SSI, Cassini Imaging Team; 3D Rendering: NASA’s VTAD Explanation: What has happened to Saturn’s moon Iapetus? Vast sections of this strange world are dark brown, while others are as bright white. The composition of the dark material is unknown, but infrared spectr...


The SpaceX Cargo Dragon resupply ship departs the International Space Station after it undocked from the Harmony module’s space-facing international docking adapter on July 8, 2021. The central portion of the orbiting lab’s truss structure and a pair of antennas dominate the right foreground. Image Credit: NASA 2021年7月8日,SpaceX龙货运补给飞船与和谐号模块面向太空的国...


NASA的机智号火星直升机在7月5日第九次飞行期间拍摄到了毅力号火星车的足迹。在左上角可以看到直升机的一部分起落架。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 机智号的第九次飞行提供的图像将帮助毅力号火星车团队制定未来的科学计划。 7月5日,NASA的机智号火星直升机在其雄心勃勃的第九次飞行中拍摄到的照片,为与毅力号火星车合作的科学家和工程师提供了一个前所未有的探索未来道路的机会。机智号让我们对不同岩层的起点和终点有了新的认识,每一层都是一个时间胶囊,用来记录这个地方的古代气候是如何变化。这次飞行还发现了探测器在探索杰泽罗陨石坑时可能会遇到的障碍。 这次飞行是为了测试直升机的空中侦察能力,它飞过了一个昵称为“Séítah”的沙丘地带。毅力号正绕着这些沙丘向南绕行,这对这个六轮探测器来说穿越沙丘太冒险了。 来自...


2021年7月12日 M27: The Dumbbell Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Bray Falls & Keith Quattrocchi Explanation: What will become of our Sun? The first hint of our Sun’s future was discovered inadvertently in 1764. At that time, Charles Messier was compiling a list of diffuse objects not to be confused with comets. The 27th object on Messier’s...