按月归档: 7 月 2021


2021年07月03日 Along the Milky Way Image Credit & Copyright: Rolf Weisenfeld Explanation: You can’t walk along the Milky Way. Still, under a dark sky you can explore it. To the eye the pale luminous trail of light arcing through the sky on a dark, moonless night does appear to be a path through the heavens. The glowing celestial band is the faint, co...


2021年07月02日 AR2835: Islands in the Photosphere Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Teoh, Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia Explanation: Awash in a sea of incandescent plasma and anchored in strong magnetic fields, sunspots are planet-sized dark islands in the solar photosphere, the bright surface of the Sun. Found in solar active regions, sunspots loo...


Today(Editor’s Note: June 30) is International Asteroid Day! Asteroids, sometimes called minor planets, are rocky remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. The current known asteroid count is more than one million! Most of this ancient space rubble can be found orbiting our Sun between Mars and Jupiter...


2021年07月01日 Perseverance Selfie with Ingenuity Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS Explanation: On sol 46 (April 6, 2021) the Perseverance rover held out a robotic arm to take its first selfie on Mars. The WATSON camera at the end of the arm was designed to take close-ups of martian rocks and surface details though, and not a quick snap shot of friends and...