按月归档: 9 月 2021


Acquired by the Landsat 7 satellite more than 20 years ago on Sept. 3, 2000, this image is of Greenland’s western coast and the small field of glaciers that surrounds Baffin Bay. This is a false-color composite image made using near-infrared, red, and blue wavelengths. 20多年前的2000年9月3日,陆地卫星7号拍摄了这张照片,这是格陵兰岛的西海岸和环绕巴芬湾的小块冰川区域。这是一张使用近红外、红色和蓝色波长制作的假彩色合成图像。 N...


2021年9月21日 Sun Spot Hill Image Credit & Copyright: Jordi Coy Explanation: Is this giant orange ball about to roll down that tree-lined hill? No, because the giant orange ball is actually the Sun. Our Solar System’s central star was captured rising beyond a hill on Earth twelve days ago complete with a delightfully detailed foreground. The Sun&#821...


2021年9月20日 Lynds Dark Nebula 1251 Image Credit & Copyright: Cristiano Gualco Explanation: Stars are forming in Lynds Dark Nebula (LDN) 1251. About 1,000 light-years away and drifting above the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, the dusty molecular cloud is part of a complex of dark nebulae mapped toward the Cepheus flare region. Across the spectrum, astrono...


为国际空间站未来的动力提升做准备… 国际空间站几名机组人员的任务延期… 商业伙伴首次进行了太空飞行… 最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 来源:NASA 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 为国际空间站未来的动力提升做准备 9月12日,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构的宇航员星出明彦(Akihiko Hoshide)和欧洲航天局的托马斯·佩斯凯(Thomas Pesquet)在国际空间站外进行了近7小时的太空行走。他们安装了用于未来空间站第三个新太阳能电池阵列所需的支撑架。空间站现有的8个电力通道中有6个正在增加电池新阵列,以确保将来有足够的电力用于阿耳忒弥斯探测技术演示和其他活动。这是两名国际合作宇航员首次在空间站的探索气闸外进行太空行走。 两名机组人员延长在空间站的停留时间 美国宇航局的马克·范德·黑(Mark Vande Hei...


2021年9月19日 Rings and Seasons of Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Damian Peach/SEN Explanation: On Saturn, the rings tell you the season. On Earth, Wednesday marks an equinox, the time when the Earth’s equator tilts directly toward the Sun. Since Saturn’s grand rings orbit along the planet’s equator, these rings appear most prominent &#...


2021年9月18日 Rubin’s Galaxy Image Credit: NASA, ESA, B. Holwerda (University of Louisville) Explanation: In this Hubble Space Telescope image the bright, spiky stars lie in the foreground toward the heroic northern constellation Perseus and well within our own Milky Way galaxy. In sharp focus beyond is UGC 2885, a giant spiral galaxy about 232 million li...


Credits: ESA/Hubble and NASA, A. Nota, C. Britt This comparison of two images shows puffing dust bubbles and an erupting gas shell – the final acts of a monster star’s life. 这两张图片的对比显示了膨胀的尘埃气泡和喷发的气体外壳——这是一颗巨型恒星生命的最后一幕。 These new views showcase the dual nature of the star AG Carinae, which was the target of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s 31st anniversa...


2021年9月17日 Video: Flash on Jupiter Video Credit & Copyright: T. Humbert, S. Barré, A. Desmougin & D. Walliang (Société Lorraine d’Astronomie), Astroqueyras Explanation: There has been a flash on Jupiter. A few days ago, several groups monitoring our Solar System’s largest planet noticed a two-second long burst of light. Such flashes hav...


图片来源:NASA 当SpaceX发射载有四名宇航员的灵感4(Inspiration4)任务时,这将是该公司首次完全由私人发射宇航员进入轨道。虽然不是NASA的任务,但这次飞行体现了该机构的愿景和努力,以促进强大的太空经济,私营公司为提供载人和货物的太空商业运输,并在太空中创造未来的商业目的地。 “NASA的努力和投资,特别是商业宇航员计划,使这项活动能够在近地轨道上进行。”NASA局长比尔·纳尔逊说。“NASA的目标是成为商业太空市场的众多客户之一,我们很高兴这次载人任务表明了人们对商业太空服务日益增长的兴趣。对于载人航天来说,这是不可思议的一年,而这仅仅是个开始!” 这次发射由载人龙飞船和 猎鹰9号 火箭执行,预计将于美国东部时间9月15日(周三)晚上8点02分从佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心39A发射中...


NASA’s Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project’s Mobile Acoustics Facility is parked in the background of Joby’s prototype aircraft near Big Sur, California. As the aircraft flew planned test scenarios, NASA’s Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign team collected information about how the vehicle moved, how the vehicle sounded, and how the vehi...