按月归档: 11 月 2021


NASA上周四(2021年11月4日)获悉,美国联邦索赔法院驳回了蓝色起源的投标抗议,支持NASA选择SpaceX开发和演示现代人类月球登陆器。NASA将尽快根据选项A合同恢复与SpaceX的合作。 除了这份合同,NASA继续与多家美国公司合作,以加强月球表面载人运输的竞争和商业准备工作。各公司即将有机会与NASA合作,根据NASA的阿尔忒弥斯计划在月球上建立长期的人类存在,包括在2022年呼吁美国工业界提供定期载人登月服务。 通过阿耳忒弥斯任务,NASA将引领世界,让第一位女性和第一位有色人种在月球表面着陆,在月球上和周围开展广泛的行动,并为人类的火星任务做好准备。


The aurora borealis glow on the northern horizon while stars wheel overhead in this long exposure, taken near the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah on Nov. 4, 2021. Sky watchers in many locations were treated to unusually intense light displays, thanks to a geomagnetic storm created when multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs) of charged particles from the Sun in...


2021年11月07日 The Cat’s Eye Nebula in Optical and X-ray Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Chandra X-ray Obs.; Processing & Copyright: Rudy Pohl Explanation: To some it looks like a cat’s eye. To others, perhaps like a giant cosmic conch shell. It is actually one of brightest and most highly detailed planetary nebula known, compose...


2021年11月06日 The Galaxy Between Two Friends Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Lefranc Explanation: On an August night two friends enjoyed this view after a day’s hike on the Plateau d’Emparis in the French Alps. At 2400 meters altitude the sky was clear. Light from a setting moon illuminates the foreground captured in the simple vertical panor...


影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 11月的天空会发生什么? 日落行星,月偏食和冬季恒星的回归。 从11月6日到11日,日落后,月亮在西南偏南掠过金星、土星和木星。特别是如果你在11月7日走出去看一看,你会发现四天大的新月离金星只有2度。应该很漂亮,所以不要错过它。 11月7日日落后的星空图,显示金星与西南方向的新月只有2度的距离。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 而从现在到12月初,你会发现木星和土星每晚都会离金星更近一点。 月偏食即将到来,将于11月18日和19日夜间发生,届时月球将滑入地球的阴影中几个小时。如果天气允许,在月食期间月亮出现在地平线上方的任何位置都可以看到月食。根据你所在的时区,它会在晚上早些时候或晚些时候发生。 显示11月18日至19日月偏食能见度的地...


2021年11月05日 The Dark Seahorse in Cepheus Image Credit & Copyright: Valerio Avitabile Explanation: Light-years across, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula appears in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, obscuring clouds are part of a Milky Way molecular...

NASA SpaceX Crew-2在空间站的科学之旅

在国际空间站上呆了6个多月后,NASA SpaceX Crew-2任务的宇航员们将返回地球。四名机组成员——NASA宇航员谢恩·金姆布罗和 梅根·麦克阿瑟、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)宇航员星出彰彦和欧洲航天局(European Space Agency)宇航员托马斯·佩斯凯——将乘坐SpaceX载人龙飞船返回地球。 这些机组成员在轨道实验室中为数百项科学调查和技术演示做出了贡献。这些宝贵的科学研究有助于为人类未来的太空探索任务做好准备,同时为地球上的人类带来众多创新和好处。下面是在Crew-2任务期间完成的一些科学里程碑。 下载本文中所有照片的全分辨率版本。 力量的考验 影像来源:NASA 麦克阿瑟在国际空间站上的生命科学手套箱中进行卡迪纳尔肌肉的研究。随着地球上人们年龄的增长,他们的肌肉质量下降,这...


NGC 2438 is a planetary nebula, formed after the death of a Sun-like star. The medium-sized star would have expelled its outer layers of gas into space as it died, leaving behind a white-dwarf core. A halo of glowing gas over 4.5 light-years across surrounds the nebula’s brighter inner ring. Many round or nearly round planetary nebulae display these ha...

NGC 147与NGC 185

2021年11月04日 NGC 147 and NGC 185 Image Credit & Copyright: Dan Bartlett Explanation: Dwarf galaxies NGC 147 (left) and NGC 185 stand side by side in this sharp telescopic portrait. The two are not-often-imaged satellites of M31, the great spiral Andromeda Galaxy, some 2.5 million light-years away. Their separation on the sky, less than one degree across ...


This artists’ impression is of the Mariner 10 mission. Mariner 10, which launched on Nov. 3, 1972, was the first mission to perform an interplanetary gravity assist, using a flyby of the planet Venus to alter its path to meet Mercury. This allowed the spacecraft to meet Mercury on three occasions in 1974 and 1975. 这幅艺术家画的是水手10号的任务。水手10号于1972年11月3日发射升空,...