按月归档: 12 月 2021


These blueprints of the James Webb Space Telescope were created as a prop for a video series, but since it was requested, we are offering them as a download! (Look close and you’ll notice some of the smaller text is Latin!) 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的蓝图是作为一个系列视频的道具而设计,但由于有人要求,我们提供下载!(仔细观察,您会发现一些较小的文本是拉丁文!) Webb is targeted to launch at 7:20 a.m. EST Friday, Dec. 24, ...


2021年12月20日 The Comet and the Fireball Image Credit & Copyright: Cory Poole Explanation: This picture was supposed to feature a comet. Specifically, a series of images of the brightest comet of 2021 were being captured: Comet Leonard. But the universe had other plans. Within a fraction of a second, a meteor so bright it could be called a fireball streak...


2021年12月19日 Planetary Alignment over Italy Image Credit & Copyright: Antonio Finazzi Explanation: It is not a coincidence that planets line up. That’s because all of the planets orbit the Sun in (nearly) a single sheet called the plane of the ecliptic. When viewed from inside that plane — as Earth dwellers are likely to do — the planet...

朱诺号航天器 “听到 “了木星的卫星

这张JunoCAMM照片显示了木星的两个大型旋转风暴,是在朱诺号于2021年11月29日第38次经过木星时拍摄的。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS 图像处理:KEVIN M. GILL CC by 朱诺号在木星任务的木卫三飞掠期间收集的音轨提供了一个戏剧性的旅程。这是任务科学家在美国地球物理联盟秋季会议简报会上分享的亮点之一。 今天在新奥尔良举行的美国地球物理学会秋季会议上,在关于NASA朱诺号木星任务的简报中讨论了来自木卫二飞越的声音、磁场以及木星和地球海洋和大气之间的显著比较。 今天,在新奥尔良举行的美国地球物理联盟秋季会议上,关于NASA朱诺号木星任务的简报会上,讨论了木卫三飞行的声音、磁场以及木星与地球海洋和大气层之间的显著对比。 位于圣安东尼奥的西南研究所的朱诺号首席研...


In this image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures a side-on view of NGC 3568, a barred spiral galaxy roughly 57 million light-years from the Milky Way in the constellation Centaurus. In 2014 the light from a supernova explosion in NGC 3568 reached Earth – a sudden flare of light caused by the titanic explosion accompanying the death of a massive st...


2021年12月18日 Stephan’s Quintet Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing & Copyright: Bernard Miller Explanation: The first identified compact galaxy group, Stephan’s Quintet is featured in this eye-catching image constructed with data drawn from the extensive Hubble Legacy Archive. About 300 million light-years away, only fo...


2021年12月17日 Geminid of the North Image Credit & Copyright: Alvin Wu Explanation: An arid expanse of the Tengger Desert in north-central China, planet Earth fills the foreground of this starry scene. A widefield panoramic view, it was recorded shortly after moonset in the local predawn hours of December 14. Pictured in the still dark sky, stars of the no...


This Hubble Space Telescope image captures a portion of the reflection nebula IC 2631, which contains a protostar, the hot, dense core of a forming star that is accumulating gas and dust. Eventually, the protostar may gravitationally gather enough matter to begin nuclear fusion and emit its own energy and starlight. 这张哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像捕捉到了反射星云IC2631的一部分,其中包含一颗原恒星...


欧洲航天局和俄罗斯联邦太空局的ExoMars微量气体轨道器在火星引人注目的峡谷系统水手谷的中心发现了大量的水。 这些隐藏在火星表面下的水是由跟踪气体轨道器(TGO)的FREND仪器发现,该仪器正在绘制火星土壤最上层一米中的氢含量图(一种测量水含量的方法)。 火星上的跟踪气体轨道器 影像来源:ESA 虽然已知火星上存在水,但在火星寒冷的极地地区发现的水大部分以冰的形式存在。在赤道附近的火星表面没有发现水冰,因为这里的温度不足以使暴露的水冰保持稳定。 包括欧洲航天局的火星快车号在内的任务已经在火星低纬度地区寻找近地表的水,并发现了少量的水。近地表水是土壤中覆盖灰尘颗粒或被锁在矿物质中的冰。然而,这类研究只探索了火星的表面;火星地下可能存在被灰尘覆盖的更深的冰库。 “通过TGO,我们可以向下看这个尘土层以下一米,看看...


2021年12月16日 Geminids of the South Image Credit & Copyright: Fefo Bouvier Explanation: Fireflies flash along a moonlit countryside in this scene taken on the night of December 13/14 from southern Uruguay, planet Earth. On that night meteors fell in the partly cloudy skies above during the annual Geminid meteor shower. Frames recorded over a period of 1.5...