按月归档: 12 月 2021


This stunning image captures a small region on the edge of the inky Coalsack Nebula, or Caldwell 99. Caldwell 99 is a dark nebula — a dense cloud of interstellar dust that completely blocks out visible wavelengths of light from objects behind it. The object at the center of the image is a (much smaller) protoplanetary nebula. The protoplanetary nebula phase ...


NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration, or LCRD, launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on the Department of Defense’s Space Test Program 3 mission from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA的激光通信中继演示,或LCRD,由联合发射联盟宇宙神Ⅴ型火箭发射,于2021年12月7日星期...


2021年12月08日 Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass Image Credit & Copyright: A. Dimai, (Col Druscie Obs.), AAC Explanation: Comet Hale-Bopp, the Great Comet of 1997, became much brighter than any surrounding stars. It was seen even over bright city lights. Away from city lights, however, it put on quite a spectacular show. Here Comet Hale-Bopp was photogr...


2021年12月7日,一枚联合发射联盟宇宙神Ⅴ型火箭在卡纳维拉尔角空间站的41号号太空发射中心与国防部的太空测试计划3(STP-3)任务一起发射。该任务的太空测试计划卫星-6(STPSat-6)航天器承载了NASA的激光通信中继演示(LCRD)和NASA-US海军研究实验室紫外线光谱-日冕探测器(UVSC探路者)。 图片来源:NASA/JoelKowsky NASA的激光通信中继演示(LCRD)和NASA-U.S.用于研究太阳辐射的海军研究实验室太空天气有效载荷于美国东部时间12月7日星期二凌晨5点19分升空。 作为美国太空部队空间测试计划3号任务的一部分,有效载荷由位于佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角太空基地的联合发射联盟宇宙神Ⅴ型火箭搭载太空测试计划6号卫星发射升空。 LCRD将展示NASA的首个双向激光中继通信系统...


2021年12月07日 Ninety Gravitational Wave Spectrograms and Counting Image Credit: NSF, LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA, Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt U.; Graphic: Sudarshan Ghonge & Karan Jani Explanation: Every time two massive black holes collide, a loud chirping sound is broadcast out into the universe in gravitational waves. Humanity has only had the technology to hear t...


This image of our home planet shows how Earth looked from more than 950,000 miles, or 1.5 million kilometers, away during the total solar eclipse visible in Antarctica on Dec. 4, 2021. The EPIC instrument on the DSCOVR spacecraft captured the eclipse’s umbra, the dark, inner shadow of planet Earth. Shaped like a cone extending into space, it has a circ...


2021年12月06日 Space Station Silhouette on the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew McCarthy Explanation: What’s that unusual spot on the Moon? It’s the International Space Station. Using precise timing, the Earth-orbiting space platform was photographed in front of a partially lit gibbous Moon last month. The featured composite, taken from Pa...


2021年12月05日 Total Solar Eclipse Below the Bottom of the World Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek (ESO Photo Ambassador, Inst. of Physics in Opava) Explanation: Yesterday there was a total solar eclipse visible only at the end of the Earth. To capture the unusual phenomenon, airplanes took flight below the clouded seascape of Southern Ocean. The feat...


2021年12月04日 Iridescent by Moonlight Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: In this snapshot from November 18, the Full Moon was not far from Earth’s shadow. In skies over Sicily the brightest lunar phase was eclipsed by passing clouds though. The full moonlight was dimmed and momentarily diffracted by small but similar sized w...


Christopher Kraft, flight director during Project Mercury, works at his console inside the Flight Control area at Mercury Mission Control during NASA’s first crewed missions in the 1960s. 克里斯托弗·卡夫是水星计划的飞行主管,在上世纪60年代NASA第一次载人任务期间,他在水星任务控制中心的飞行控制区内的控制台工作。 Kraft was a legend, who as NASA’s first flight director oversaw early human spaceflight missio...