按月归档: 12 月 2021


12月的天空会发生什么?傍晚的亮点,捕捉彗星的机会,以及一年一度的双子座流星。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 12月6日至10日,日落后向西看,月亮依次拜访金星、土星和木星。在这一周的每个晚上,当月亮出现在天空中更高的位置时,它的月牙就会逐渐变圆。 12月6日至10日,月亮在日落后的每个晚上依次拜访金星、土星和木星。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 不过,趁着这段时间,享受一下作为昏星的耀眼的金星的景色吧。在这个月里,被云层覆盖的邻星将越来越靠近地平线,对我们大多数人来说,它们在新年之前它们就会消失。近邻行星将在1月下旬以日出前的晨星的形式再次出现,它们直到明年12月才会回到傍晚的天空中。 接下来的12月,有一颗最近发现的彗星正在进入内太阳系,可能值得尝试观察。这颗彗...


2021年12月03日 Comet Leonard and the Whale Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: Gregg Ruppel Explanation: Sweeping through northern predawn skies, on November 24 Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) was caught between two galaxies in this composite telescopic image. Sporting a greenish coma the comet’s dusty tail seems to harpoon the heart of NGC 4631 (top) also kn...


NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover used its black-and-white navigation cameras to capture panoramas of this scene at two times of day. This was the view at 8:30 a.m. local Mars time on Nov. 16, 2021 (the 3,299th Martian day, or sol, of the mission) and again at 4:10 p.m. local Mars time. The two times of day provided contrasting lighting conditions that brought out...

NGC 6822: 巴纳德星系

2021年12月02日 NGC 6822: Barnard’s Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: Dietmar Hager, Eric Benson Explanation: Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory, flaunting their young, bright, blue star clusters in beautiful, symmetric spiral arms. But small galaxies form stars too, like nearby NGC 6822, also known as Barnard’s Galaxy. Beyond ...


Nebula [ neb-yuh-luh ]: star-forming cloud of gas and dust. Noun, plural neb·u·lae [neb-yuh-lee, -lahy] 星云:由气体和尘埃组成的恒星形成云。名词,复数neb·u·lae [neb-yuh-lee, -lahy] These four nebulae are known for their breathtaking beauty: the Eagle Nebula (which contains the Pillars of Creation), the Omega Nebula, the Trifid Nebula, and the Lagoon Nebula. In the 1950s, a team of...


2021年12月01日 A Blue-Banded Blood Moon Image Credit: Angel Yu Explanation: What causes a blue band to cross the Moon during a lunar eclipse? The blue band is real but usually quite hard to see. The featured HDR image of last week’s lunar eclipse, however — taken from Yancheng, China — has been digitally processed to equalize the Moon’s ...


在木卫二发现羽流是一个令人兴奋的展望,但科学家警告说,即使近距离观察,也会很棘手。 2005年,从土星卫星土卫二表面喷发出的明亮的水状羽流图像吸引了全世界的目光。从土卫二南极地区喷射出来的巨大蒸汽柱、冰粒子和有机分子表明,在土卫二的冰壳下面有液态水海洋,也证实了土卫二的地质活动非常活跃。烟柱还将土卫二和太阳系外的其他行星推向了NASA寻找生命迹象名单的前列,这些星球既没有大气层,也远离太阳热量。 科学家们现在正准备前往另一个可能有羽状物的冰封海洋世界:木星的卫星木卫二。NASA的欧罗巴快船计划于2024年发射,它将从木卫二的深层内部到表面对其进行研究,以确定它是否含有使其成为适宜生命家园的成分。 与土卫二一样,木卫二在地质上也是动态的,这意味着这两颗卫星的固体层在与主行星和邻近卫星的引力拉力赛中拉伸和弯曲时,都...


As the Crew-2 mission departed the International Space Station aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour, the crew snapped this image of the station during a flyaround of the orbiting lab that took place following undocking from the Harmony module’s space-facing port on Nov. 8, 2021. 2021年11月8日,当Crew-2任务机组成员搭乘SpaceX 载人龙飞船奋进号离开国际空间站时,机组人员在2021年11月8日从和谐号舱面向空间的端口脱离后绕...