按月归档: 2 月 2022


2022年2月8日 Aurora and Light Pillars over Norway Image Credit & Copyright: Alexandre Correia Explanation: Which half of this sky is your favorite? On the left, the night sky is lit up by particles expelled from the Sun that later collided with Earth’s upper atmosphere — creating bright auroras. On the right, the night glows with ground lights reflec...


This image from January 2022 shows the first rays of an orbital sunrise as seen from the International Space Station as it orbited 257 miles above the coast of Venezuela. As the station orbits the Earth, completing one trip around the globe every 92 minutes, the astronauts experience 15 or 16 sunrises and sunsets every day. 这张2022年1月的照片显示了国际空间站在委内瑞拉海岸上空257英里...

NGC 4651:雨伞星系

2022年2月7日 NGC 4651: The Umbrella Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: CFHT, Coelum, MegaCam, J.-C. Cuillandre (CFHT) & G. A. Anselmi (Coelum) Explanation: It’s raining stars. What appears to be a giant cosmic umbrella is now known to be a tidal stream of stars stripped from a small satellite galaxy. The main galaxy, spiral galaxy NGC 4651, is abo...


2022年2月6日 Blue Marble Earth Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 17 Crew Explanation: Welcome to planet Earth, the third planet from a star named the Sun. The Earth is shaped like a sphere and composed mostly of rock. Over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is water. The planet has a relatively thin atmosphere composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. The featured ...


2022年2月5日 Symbiotic R Aquarii Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/R. Montez et al.; Optical: Data: NASA/ESA/STScI, Processing: Judy Schmidt (CC BY-NC-SA) Explanation: Variable star R Aquarii is actually an interacting binary star system, two stars that seem to have a close symbiotic relationship. Centered in this space-based optical/x-ray composite image it li...


As NASA prepares to send astronauts to the Moon’s South Pole under Artemis, divers at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) in Houston are setting the stage for future moonwalk training by simulating lunar lighting conditions. At the Moon’s South Pole, the Sun will remain no more than a few degrees above the horizon, resulting in extremely long and dark shad...


2022年2月4日 Moons at Twilight Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Fedez Explanation: Even though Jupiter was the only planet visible in the evening sky on February 2, it shared the twilight above the western horizon with the Solar System’s brightest moons. In a single exposure made just after sunset, the Solar System’s ruling gas giant is at the ...


2022年2月3日 Embraced by Sunlight Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Luis Cánovas Pérez Explanation: Even though Venus (left) was the brightest planet in the sky it was less than 1/30th the apparent size of the Moon on January 29. But as both rose before the Sun they shared a crescent phase. For a moment their visible disks were each about 12 percent illuminat...


影像来源:X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: NASA/STScI, Palomar Observatory, DSS; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA; H-Alpha: LCO/IMACS/MMTF NASA及其国际合作伙伴最近发射的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(韦伯)和X射线成像偏振探测仪(IXPE)极好地提醒人们,宇宙以多种不同的形式发射光或能量。为了全面研究宇宙物体和现象,科学家需要能够探测整个电磁波谱的望远镜。 这个画廊提供了一些例子,展示了来自地面和太空中的望远镜的不同类型的光的组合方式。这些选择的共同点是来自NASA钱德拉X射线天文台的数据,说明X射线(由非常热和高能的过程发出)是如何在整个宇宙中被发现的。 宝瓶座R 这个天体实际上是一对恒星:一颗在相对低温下稳定燃烧的...


Dr. Christian Braneon, a climate scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City, presents data visualizations and the state of current satellite missions to Vice President Kamala Harris on Nov. 5, 2021, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 克里斯蒂安·布拉尼恩博士是NASA戈达德空间研究所(GISS)驻纽约的气候科学家,他于2021年11月5日在...