按月归档: 4 月 2022

SpaceX Crew-4彩排归来

A vehicle carrying two members of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 mission passed by the Vehicle Assembly Building as it returned to the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building from Launch Complex 39A following the completion of a dress rehearsal for the Crew-4 launch, Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Crew-4 mission is the...


NASA的毅力号火星车使用其Mastcam-Z相机拍摄了火星两颗卫星之一的火卫一日食的视频。这是有史以来从火星表面拍摄的火卫一日食的放大率最高、帧速率最高的观测。 视频来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS/SSI Mastcam-Z相机记录了这颗红色星球两颗卫星之一的火卫一视频,以研究其轨道如何随时间变化。 NASA的毅力号火星车拍摄到了火星土豆形状的卫星火卫一穿越太阳表面的精彩画面。这些观测可以帮助科学家更好地了解这颗卫星的轨道,以及它的引力如何作用于火星表面,最终塑造这颗红色星球的地壳和地幔。 4月2日,任务的第397个火星日,毅力号新一代Mastcam-Z相机拍摄到了这次日食,持续了40多秒——比典型的涉及地球月球的日食要短得多。(火卫一大约比地球的月球小157倍。火星的另一个卫星火卫...


2022年4月20日 Planet Line over New York Bridge Image Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda Explanation: There’s an interesting sky to see if you wake up before the Sun. Lined up on toward the eastern horizon are four planets in a row. The planets are so bright they can even be seen from the bright sky inside a city. In fact, the featured image was taken fro...


NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, right, speaks to members of the media after arriving at the Launch and Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, ahead of SpaceX’s Crew-4 mission. With him are crewmates NASA astronaut Bob Hines, left, European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, second from left, and NASA astronaut Jessica Watkins, second fro...


由NASA的毅力号火星车上的Mastcam-Z系统于2022年4月11日(该任务的第406个火星日)拍摄的64张拼合图像组成的全景图显示了耶泽罗火山口广阔的河流三角洲。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS 在探索一条古老且现已干涸的河道时收集样本,只是这位六轮地质学家在第二次红色星球探索中将要追求的目标之一。 4月13日,NASA的毅力号火星车从其第一次科学活动中收集了8个岩芯样本,并完成了创纪录的31个火星日穿越火星约3英里(5公里)的任务,抵达耶泽罗火山口古河三角洲的门口。该地点被毅力团队称为“三岔口”(指三条通往三角洲的路线交汇的地点),是火星车第二次科学考察“三角洲前线战役”的集结地。 “耶泽罗火山口的三角洲有望成为一场名副其实的地质盛宴,也是火星上寻找过去微观生命迹象的最佳地...


2022年4月19日 Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Stefan Steve Bemmerl Explanation: The eggs from this gigantic chicken may form into stars. The featured emission nebula, shown in scientifically assigned colors, is cataloged as IC 2944 but known as the Running Chicken Nebula for the shape of its greater appearance. Se...


In this image from April 10, 2022, sunlight glints off the Atlantic Ocean in this photograph from taken by the crew of the International Space Station as it orbited 262 miles above. Every 24 hours, the space station makes 16 orbits of Earth, traveling through 16 sunrises and sunsets. Learn More International Space Station Facts and Figures Image Credit: NASA...


2022年4月18日 Stars and Planets over Portugal Image Credit & Copyright: Miguel Claro (TWAN, Dark Sky Alqueva) Explanation: The mission was to document night-flying birds — but it ended up also documenting a beautiful sky. The featured wide-angle mosaic was taken over the steppe golden fields in Mértola, Portugal in 2020. From such a dark location, an...


2022年4月17日 Shuttle Over Earth Image Credit: NASA, Expedition 22 Crew Explanation: What’s that approaching? Astronauts on board the International Space Station in 2010 first saw it far in the distance. Soon it enlarged to become a dark silhouette. As it came even closer, the silhouette appeared to be a spaceship. Finally, the object revealed itself to b...


测试巨型月球火箭和地面系统;为詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope)的科学观测做准备;为未来的X-59研究测试仪器……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 4月12至14日,NASA在肯尼迪航天中心(Kennedy Space Center)的39B发射台上为太空发射系统火箭(Space Launch System)和猎户座(Orion)飞船进行了改进后的全箭演习(wet dress rehearsal,又称“湿彩排”),准备进行无人的阿尔忒弥斯1号登月任务(Artemis I)。 影像来源:NASA 为期多天的全箭演习的重点,是将燃料装入火箭的核心级油箱、改进倒计时程序以及验证关键模型和软件界面。除了最近的两次全箭演习测试外,这项改进后的测试还允许团队在阿尔忒弥斯1号任务之...