按月归档: 4 月 2022


NASA的哈勃太空望远镜建立了一个非凡的新基准:探测宇宙大爆炸后最初十亿年内存在的恒星的光——这是迄今为止观测到的最远的一颗恒星。 与之前哈勃望远镜在2018年观测到的单星记录保持者相比,这一发现是一个巨大的飞跃。那颗恒星存在于宇宙大约 40 亿年的时候,即宇宙当前年龄的 30% ,天文学家将其称为“红移 1.5”。科学家使用“红移”一词是因为随着宇宙膨胀,来自遥远物体的光在向我们传播时会被拉伸或“移动”到更长、更红的波长。 这颗新发现的恒星距离地球如此之远,以至于它的光需要 129 亿年才能到达地球,在我们看来,它就像宇宙只有当前年龄的 7%,红移 6.2 时的那样。以前在如此遥远的距离上看到的最小物体是嵌入早期星系中的星团。 巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学的天文学家布莱恩·韦尔奇说:“一开始我们几乎不相信它,它比...


2022年4月1日 Leaning Tower, Active Sun Image Credit & Copyright: Antonio Tartarini Explanation: The natural filter of a hazy atmosphere offered this recognizable architecture and sunset view on March 27. Dark against the solar disk, large sunspots in solar active regions 2975 and 2976 are wedged between the Duomo of Pisa and its famous Leaning Tower. Only ...


NASA astronaut and SpaceX Crew-4 pilot Bob Hines is pictured during a training session inside a mockup of the Crew Dragon vehicle at SpaceX Headquarters in Hawthorne, California A pair of news conferences on Thursday, March 31, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston will highlight the agency’s upcoming SpaceX Crew-4 mission to the International Space Stat...


Record-setting NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei, left, and cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov, center, and Pyotr Dubrov of Rosccosmos are seen inside their Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft after landing in a remote area near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Vande Hei and Dubrov are returning to Earth after logging 355 days in space as members of Ex...