彗星C/2017 K2(PanSTARRS)
2022年6月30日 Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) Image Credit & Copyright: Jose J. Chambo (Cometografia) Explanation: Imaged on Ju…
2022年6月30日 Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) Image Credit & Copyright: Jose J. Chambo (Cometografia) Explanation: Imaged on Ju…
In this image from 2014, brightly glowing plumes of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) appear almost like an ocean current with…
A NASA CubeSat designed to test a unique lunar orbit is safely in space and on the first leg of its journey to the Moon. The …
2022年6月28日,周二,在新西兰马希亚半岛的火箭实验室1号发射场,地月自主定位系统技术操作和导航实验(或称CAPSTONE)搭载火箭实验室的电子火箭发射升空。 影像来源:Rocket Lab NASA的立方体卫星(CubeSat)设计用于测试一个…
2022年6月28日 Mercury from Passing BepiColombo Image Credit & License: ESA, JAXA, BepiColombo, MTM Explanation: Which part …
“A piece of my story that I think needs to get told is that broken crayons still color. “So often we hear that th…
CAPSTONE, the pathfinder for NASA’s lunar outpost, will test an orbit around the Moon that has never been flown before. In th…
2022年6月26日 Light Echoes from V838 Mon Image Credit: NASA, ESA, H. E. Bond (STScI) Explanation: What caused this outburst of V…