按月归档: 6 月 2022


The International Space Station orbits into a dawn 261 miles above a cloudy Pacific Ocean in this image from April 2022. Not only does the station crew snap beauty shots of the planet we call home, the crew also conducts a variety of Earth and space science, including observations of the world’s oceans. NASA also has a variety of Earth-observing missio...


NASA的露西任务团队正在进行多阶段的工作,以进一步部署航天器未锁定的太阳能电池阵列。5月9日,该团队命令航天器同时使用主电机和备用电机绕组操作阵列的部署电机,以产生更大的扭矩,即更大的拉力。电机按预期运行,进一步卷起拉开太阳能电池板的挂绳。为了避免过热,电机进行了一系列短时间的运转后,研究团队停下来分析结果。来自航天器的数据显示,部署过程与工程地面测试的进展类似,使团队能够继续进行第二阶段的尝试。对数据的分析还表明,还有额外的挂绳需要收回。该团队于5月12日再次发出同样的命令。尽管这一系列命令并没有将太阳能电池阵列完全打开,但它确实推进了部署,以增加稳定电池阵列的张力,正如所希望的那样。 5月26日,航天器再次接到部署太阳能电池板的命令。正如前两次尝试一样,两个电机绕组同时运行很短时间,以避免过热。之后,团队...


2022年6月8日 Ship Tracks over the Pacific Ocean Image Credit: NASA, Terra, MODIS; Text: Raymond Shaw (MTU) Explanation: What are those unusual streaks? Some images of planet Earth show clear bright streaks that follow the paths of ships. Known as ship tracks, these low and narrow bands are caused by the ship’s engine exhaust. Water vapor condenses around ...


在最近发表的一篇论文中,NASA的科学家和工程师提供了有关该局稀有气体、化学和成像深大气层金星调查任务(Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging , DAVINCI)的新细节,该任务将于2031年中期穿过金星的多层大气到达金星表面。达芬奇是第一个利用航天器飞掠和降落探测器研究金星的任务。 飞行分析化学实验室达芬奇将首次测量金星大规模大气气候系统的关键方面,其中许多自20世纪80年代初以来一直是金星的测量目标。它还将提供金星山地高地的首次降落图像,同时以轨道不可能的尺度绘制其岩石成分和地表地形。该任务支持对少量存在的未发现气体和最深处大气的测量,包括氢同位素的关键比例——水的组成成分,有助于揭示水的历史,无...


This November 1996 image from Magellan shows Dickinson, an impact crater in the northeastern Atalanta region of Venus. The image is approximately 115 miles (185 kilometers) wide at the base and 43 miles (69 kilometers) in diameter. The crater is complex, characterized by a partial central ring and a floor flooded by radar-dark and radar-bright materials. Hum...

NGC 6188:天坛座的龙形云气

2022年6月7日 NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara Image Credit & Copyright: Shaun Robertson Explanation: Do dragons fight on the altar of the sky? Although it might appear that way, these dragons are illusions made of thin gas and dust. The emission nebula NGC 6188, home to the glowing clouds, is found about 4,000 light years away near the edge of a large molecular cl...


NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft leaves the Vehicle Assembly Building atop a mobile launcher on June 6, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. At approximately 8:20 a.m. EDT, NASA’s Artemis I Moon rocket arrived at the spaceport’s Launch Complex 39B after an eight-hour journey ahead of the next wet dress rehearsal a...


2022年6月6日 Milky Way Galaxy Doomed: Collision with Andromeda Pending Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Z. Levay and R. van der Marel (STScI); T. Hallas; and A. Mellinger Explanation: Will our Milky Way Galaxy collide one day with its larger neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy? Most likely, yes. Careful plotting of slight displacements of M31’s stars relative to backg...


在这张由Suomi NPP卫星于2018年7月拍摄的图像中,阿拉伯半岛上空盘旋着尘埃。美NASA即将进行的地球表面矿物尘埃源调查(EMIT)将帮助科学家们更好地了解空气中的尘埃在加热和冷却大气中的作用。 影像来源:NASA Earth Observatory 名为EMIT的地球表面矿物尘埃源调查将分析从干燥地区穿过大气层的尘埃,以了解其对地球的影响。 每年,强风将来自地球沙漠和其他干旱地区的10亿吨(相当于10000艘航空母舰的重量)矿物尘埃带入大气层。虽然科学家知道尘埃会影响环境和气候,但他们没有足够的数据来详细确定这些影响是什么,或者将来可能是什么——至少现在还没有。 6月9日,NASA向国际空间站发射的地球表面矿物尘埃源调查(EMIT)仪器,将有助于填补这些知识空白。EMIT最先进的成像光谱仪由该机构位于...

3C 75里的旋舞双黑洞

2022年6月5日 Two Black Holes Dancing in 3C 75 Image Credit: X-Ray: NASA/CXC/D. Hudson, T. Reiprich et al. (AIfA); Radio: NRAO/VLA/ NRL Explanation: What’s happening at the center of active galaxy 3C 75? The two bright sources at the center of this composite x-ray (blue)/ radio (pink) image are co-orbiting supermassive black holes powering the giant radio ...