按月归档: 6 月 2022


2022年6月4日 Tau Herculids from Space Image Credit & Copyright: Zhuoxiao Wang, Yangwang-1 Space Telescope, Origin.Space Explanation: On May 31 tens of parallel meteor streaks were recorded in this 8 degree wide field of view of planet Earth’s limb from space. The image is one of a series of 5 minute long observations by the orbiting Yangwang-1 space ...


The Apollo 1 monument at Arlington National Cemetery was dedicated on Thursday, June 2, 2022, in Arlington, Va. The monument honors and memorializes the Apollo 1 crew of Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom, Edward H. White II, and Roger B. Chaffee. Family members of Apollo 1 astronaut Roger B. Chaffee were joined by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson as they placed flowers ...


2022年6月3日 A 10,000 Kilometer Galactic Bridge Image Credit & Copyright: Maxime Oudoux, Jean-Francois GELY Explanation: With this creative astro-collaboration you can follow the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy as it bridges northern and southern hemisphere skies. To construct the expansive composite nightscape, skies over Observatorio El Sauce in Chile (top...


This image features a spectacular set of rings around a black hole, captured using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The X-ray images of the giant rings reveal information about dust located in our galaxy, using a similar principle to the X-rays performed in doctor’s offices and airports. The black hole is part ...


2022年6月2日 Lunar Occultation of Venus Image Credit & Copyright: Quentin Gineys Explanation: On May 27 Venus rose as the morning star, near the waning crescent Moon in a predawn sky already full of planets. It was close on the sky to the Moon’s crescent and a conjunction of the second an third brightest celestial beacons were enjoyed by skygazers ar...


NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜与欧洲航天局(ESA)和加拿大航天局(CSA)合作,将于2022年7月12日发布其首张全彩图像和光谱数据。作为有史以来发射到太空的最大、最复杂的天文台,韦伯在开始科学工作之前,经历了六个月的准备期,根据太空环境校准仪器和镜片。这一谨慎的过程,更不用说多年来的新技术开发和任务规划,已经形成了第一批图像和数据:展示了韦伯的全部实力,准备开始其科学任务并展开红外宇宙。 “随着我们为科学准备天文台的工作接近尾声,我们即将迎来一个令人难以置信的激动人心的宇宙发现时期。韦伯的第一张全彩图像的发布将为我们所有人提供一个独特的时刻,让我们停下脚步,惊叹于人类从未见过的景象。”NASA华盛顿总部韦伯项目科学家埃里克·史密斯说。“这些照片将是数十年奉献、才华和梦想的结晶,但它们也将仅仅是开始。” 幕...


Hurricanes are the most powerful weather event on Earth. The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season extends from June 1 to November 30. Faster than a cheetah, the fastest animal on land, hurricanes produce winds of 74 miles an hour (119 kilometers per hour) or more. In this image from 2021, the crew aboard the International Space Station snapped this image of Hurric...


2022年6月1日 Tau Herculids Meteors over Kitt Peak Telescopes Image Credit & Copyright: Jianwei Lyu (Steward Obs., U. Arizona) Explanation: It wasn’t the storm of the century — but it was a night to remember. Last night was the peak of the Tau Herculids meteor shower, a usually modest dribble of occasional meteors originating from the disintegra...


The Moon, with Earth’s shadow draping across it during the May 15, 2022, lunar eclipse, is pictured in between the International Space Station’s Nauka multipurpose laboratory module and the Rassvet module. Attached to Nauka is the new European robotic arm that was continuing checkouts and mobility tests. Image Credit: NASA 在2022年5月15日的月食期间,月球被地球的...