按月归档: 7 月 2022


Within the tempestuous Carina Nebula lies “Mystic Mountain.” This three-light-year-tall cosmic pinnacle, imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 in 2010, is made up primarily of dust and gas, and exhibits signs of intense star-forming activity. The colors in this composite image correspond to the glow of oxygen (blue), hydrogen and nitroge...


NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜拍摄了迄今为止最深处、最清晰的遥远宇宙红外图像。这张被称为韦伯第一深场的星系团SMACS0723的图像充满了细节。 数千个星系——包括在红外线中观测到的最微弱的物体——首次出现在韦伯的视野中。这片广阔的宇宙覆盖了一片天空,它的大小和地面上某个人在一臂距离外捧着的一粒沙子差不多。 韦伯的近红外相机(NIRCam)拍摄的这个深场是由不同波长的图像合成而成的,总共耗时12.5小时——在红外波长上达到的深度超过了哈勃太空望远镜需要花费数周时间才能到达最深处的视野。 这张照片显示的是46亿年前出现的星系团SMACS 0723。这个星系团的总质量就像一个引力透镜,放大了它后面远得多的星系。韦伯的NIRCam让这些遥远的星系清晰地聚焦在一起——它们有以前从未见过的微小而模糊的结构,包括星团和漫...


2022年7月11日 Andromeda over the Sahara Desert Credit & Copyright: Jordi Coy Explanation: What is the oldest thing you can see? At 2.5 million light years distant, the answer for the unaided eye is the Andromeda galaxy, because its photons are 2.5 million years old when they reach you. Most other apparent denizens of the night sky — stars, clusters, ...


2022年7月10日 In the Center of the Cat’s Eye Nebula Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, HLA; Reprocessing & Copyright: Raul Villaverde Explanation: Three thousand light-years away, a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas. This image from the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), to be one of the most complex planetary neb...


2022年7月9日 Saturn and the ISS Image Credit & Copyright: Tom Glenn Explanation: Soaring high in skies around planet Earth, bright planet Saturn was a star of June’s morning planet parade. But very briefly on June 24 it posed with a bright object in low Earth orbit, the International Space Station. On that date from a school parking lot in Temecula, ...


This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observation has captured the galaxy CGCG 396-2, an unusual multi-armed galaxy merger which lies around 520 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Orion. This observation is a gem from the Galaxy Zoo project, a citizen science project involving hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around the world who clas...


2022年7月8日 Roots on a Rotating Planet Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: With roots on a rotating planet, an old tree is centered in this sequence of 137 exposures each 20 seconds long, recorded one night from northern Sicily. Digital camera and fisheye lens were fixed to a tripod to capture the dramatic timelapse, so the stars t...


在分析了2020年10月美国宇航局的OSIRIS-REx航天器从贝努小行星收集样本时收集到的数据后,科学家们发现了一件令人惊讶的事情:如果该航天器在抓取该小行星表面的灰尘和岩石后不立即发射推进器后退,该航天器本会坠入贝努小行星。 事实证明,构成贝努外表的颗粒是如此的松散,彼此之间的联系很轻,以至于如果一个人踩到贝努身上,他们几乎不会感觉到阻力,就像踩进了一个塑料球坑,这是孩子们喜欢玩的地方。 位于圣安东尼奥的西南研究所的OSIRIS-REx科学团队成员凯文·沃尔什说:“如果贝努被完全填满,那意味着它几乎是坚硬的岩石,但我们在表面发现了很多空隙。” 关于本努表面的最新发现于7月7日发表在《科学》和《科学进展》杂志上的两篇论文中,分别由图森亚利桑那大学的奥西里斯-雷克斯的首席研究员但丁·劳雷塔和沃尔什领导。这些结果...


We’re less than one week away from the July 12, 2022, release of the first science-quality images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, but how does the observatory find and lock onto its targets? Webb’s Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), developed by the Canadian Space Agency, was designed with this particular question in mind. Recently it captured a...

复合星云NGC 6914

2022年7月7日 The NGC 6914 Complex Image Credit & Copyright: Giorgio Ferrari Explanation: A study in contrasts, this colorful skyscape features stars, dust, and glowing gas in the vicinity of NGC 6914. The interstellar complex of nebulae lies some 6,000 light-years away, toward the high-flying northern constellation Cygnus and the plane of our Milky Way Gal...