按月归档: 8 月 2022


This celestial cloudscape from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures the colorful region in the Orion Nebula surrounding the Herbig-Haro object HH 505. Herbig-Haro objects are luminous regions surrounding newborn stars that form when stellar winds or jets of gas spew from these infant stars creating shockwaves that collide with nearby gas and dust at ...


2022年8月12日 Portrait of the Eagle Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Charles Bonafilia Explanation: A star cluster around 2 million years young surrounded by natal clouds of dust and glowing gas, Messier 16 (M16) is also known as The Eagle Nebula. This beautifully detailed image of the region adopts the colorful Hubble palette and includes cosmic sculpture...

阿耳忒弥斯1号任务Moonikin Campos检查和安装

Moonikin Campos, named after Arturo Campos, will be on Artemis I, an uncrewed flight test of the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket as an integrated system ahead of crewed flights to the Moon. Moonikin Campos, along with two phantom manikins, Helga and Zohar, will allow us to measure radiation, acceleration, and vibration data throughout the mis...


In this picture from 2016, our Super Guppy, a specialized aircraft with a unique hinged nose, lands at Moffett Field at NASA Ames. Boasting an immense cargo area that is 25 feet in diameter and 111 feet long, the Super Guppy can carry items that are virtually impossible to fit inside other cargo aircraft. In early August 2022, it arrived at Marshall with a s...


NASA利用激光向地球发送信息和从地球发送信息,利用看不见的光束穿越天空,发送数 TB 的数据(图片和视频)以增加我们对宇宙的了解。这种能力被称为激光或光学通信,尽管这些对眼睛安全的红外光束不能被人眼看到。 “我们对未来几年激光通信的前景感到兴奋。”华盛顿NASA总部负责空间通信和导航(SCaN)的副主管兼项目经理巴德里·尤尼斯说。“这些任务和演示开启了NASA新的的光之十年,在此期间,NASA将与其他政府机构和商业部门合作,大幅扩大未来太空探索的通信能力,创造充满活力和强劲的经济机遇。” 激光通信系统为任务提供了更高的数据传输速率,这意味着与传统无线电波相比,它们可以在一次传输中发送和接收更多信息。此外,该系统更轻、更灵活、更安全。激光通信可以补充目前大多数NASA任务使用的射频通信。 激光通信中继演示(LC...


2022年8月11日 Perseids and MAGIC Image Credit & Copyright: Urs Leutenegger Explanation: On August 11, 2021 a multi-mirror, 17 meter-diameter MAGIC telescope reflected this starry night sky from the Roque de los Muchachos European Northern Observatory on the Canary Island of La Palma. MAGIC stands for Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov. The telescope...


天文学家长期以来一直在寻找银河系中能量最高的质子的发射地点。现在,一项研究使用了NASA费米伽玛射线太空望远镜12年的数据,证实了一个超新星遗迹就是这样的地方。 探索天文学家如何找到超新星遗迹,该遗迹发射的质子能量是地球上最强大的粒子加速器的10倍。 影像来源:NASA戈达德航天飞行中心 费米已经证明,爆炸恒星的冲击波将粒子提升到与光速相当的速度。这些粒子被称为宇宙射线,主要以质子的形式存在,但也可以包括原子核和电子。因为它们都带有电荷,所以当它们在我们银河系的磁场中快速移动时,它们的路径变得混乱。由于我们无法再分辨它们来自哪个方向,这就掩盖了它们的出生地。但当这些粒子与超新星残骸附近的星际气体碰撞时,它们会产生一种伽马射线——这是能量最高的光。 “理论家们认为银河系中能量最高的宇宙线质子能达到100亿电子伏,...


2022年8月10日 Dust Clouds of the Pacman Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Douglas J. Struble (Future World Media) Explanation: Stars can create huge and intricate dust sculptures from the dense and dark molecular clouds from which they are born. The tools the stars use to carve their detailed works are high energy light and fast stellar winds. The heat they...


2022年8月9日 Leaving Earth Video Credit: NASA/JHU Applied Physics Lab/Carnegie Inst. Washington Explanation: What it would look like to leave planet Earth? Such an event was recorded visually in great detail by the MESSENGER spacecraft as it swung back past the Earth in 2005 on its way in toward the planet Mercury. Earth can be seen rotating in this time-lapse ...


This Moon-mosaic is comprised of 1,231 images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC) in the summer of 2018. The LRO team chose each tile from over 10,000 of the highest quality LROC NAC frames by searching for the best match of brightness and gradient (the direction and size of the brightness change across the frame...