按月归档: 9 月 2022


2022年9月26日 All the Water on Planet Earth Illustration Credit: Jack Cook, Adam Nieman, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Data source: Igor Shiklomanov Explanation: How much of planet Earth is made of water? Very little, actually. Although oceans of water cover about 70 percent of Earth’s surface, these oceans are shallow compared to the Earth’...


Astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, leaps from the Moon’s surface as he salutes the United States flag at the Descartes landing site during the first Apollo 16 spacewalk. Astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr., lunar module pilot, took this picture on April 21, 1972. The Lunar Module Orion is on the left and beside it is t...


2022年9月25日 The Fairy of Eagle Nebula Image Credit: Image Credit: NASA, ESA, The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Explanation: The dust sculptures of the Eagle Nebula are evaporating. As powerful starlight whittles away these cool cosmic mountains, the statuesque pillars that remain might be imagined as mythical beasts. Featured here is one of several striki...


2022年9月24日 September Sunrise Shadows Image Credit & Copyright: Donato Lioce Explanation: The defining astronomical moment for this September’s equinox was on Friday, September 23, 2022 at 01:03 UTC, when the Sun crossed the celestial equator moving south in its yearly journey through planet Earth’s sky. That marked the beginning of fall for ...


2022年9月23日 Ringed Ice Giant Neptune Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, NIRCam Explanation: Ringed, ice giant Neptune lies near the center of this sharp near-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope. The dim and distant world is the farthest planet from the Sun, about 30 times farther away than planet Earth. But in the stunning Webb view the plane...


Our Shuttle Carrier Aircraft ferries the Space Shuttle Endeavour over the Johnson Space Center in Houston in this Sept. 20, 2012, image. Endeavour’s end destination was the California Science Center, where it sits on display. The shuttle Endeavour brought the first parts of the International Space Station to space and completed 25 missions. On its final flig...


在拍摄了地球夜空中最明亮的行星之一的图像后,双小行星重定向测试(DART)相机最近将目光投向了另一个引人注目的景象:木星及其四颗最大的卫星。 在一次SMART Nav测试中拍摄的以木星为中心的DRACO图像的裁剪合成。拍摄该图像时,DART距离地球约1,600万英里(2,600万公里),木星距离航天器约4.35亿英里(7亿公里)。 影像来源:NASA/Johns Hopkins APL 9月26日,当NASA的DART航天器驶向备受期待的双星小行星Didymos时,航天器的成像仪——Didymos侦察和光学导航小行星相机(简称DRACO)已经拍摄了数千张行星照片。这些照片为领导NASA任务的约翰·霍普金斯应用物理实验室(APL)团队提供了必要的数据,以支持正在进行的航天器测试和预演,为航天器对Didymos的卫...

星系NGC 7331特写

2022年9月22日 NGC 7331 Close Up Image Credit & License: ESA/Hubble & NASA/D. Milisavljevic (Purdue University) Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our own Milky Way. About 50 million light-years distant in the northern constellation Pegasus, NGC 7331 was recognized early on as a spiral nebula and is actua...


In this March 7, 2022, image, astronaut Frank Rubio gets help putting on a spacesuit at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston to train for spacewalks. Rubio is the first astronaut of Salvadoran origin to go to space. He launched to the International Space Station on Sept. 21, 2022, for a six-month mission aboard the ...


NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜首次拍摄海王星的照片,展示了其在离地球更近的地方的强大能力。韦伯不仅拍摄到了这颗遥远星球30多年来最清晰的光环图像,而且它的相机以全新的视角揭示了这颗冰巨星。 在韦伯的新照片中,最引人注目的是这颗行星清晰的海王星环——自从NASA局的旅行者2号在1989年飞掠海王星时成为首个观测到海王星的航天器以来,一些环就在没有被探测到。除了几个明亮的窄环,韦伯图像清楚地显示了海王星较暗的尘埃带。 “自从我们上次看到这些微弱的尘埃环以来,已经三十年了,这是我们第一次在红外波段看到它们。”海王星系统专家、韦伯的跨学科科学家海蒂·哈梅尔表示。韦伯极其稳定和精确的图像质量使得这些非常暗淡的环能够在如此接近海王星的地方被探测到。 在韦伯最新拍摄的冰巨星海王星照片中,我们看到了什么?韦伯捕获了海王星14...