按月归档: 9 月 2022


2022年9月21日 The Horsehead Nebula in Infrared from Hubble Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing: Alexandra Nachman Explanation: While drifting through the cosmos, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud became sculpted by stellar winds and radiation to assume a recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is embedded in the vast and complex...

移除恒星的恒星形成区NGC 3582

2022年9月20日 Star Forming Region NGC 3582 without Stars Image Credit & Copyright: Chris Willocks Explanation: What’s happening in the Statue of Liberty nebula? Bright stars and interesting molecules are forming and being liberated. The complex nebula resides in the star forming region called RCW 57, and besides the iconic monument, to some looks lik...


编者按:本文重点介绍了韦伯科学进展中的数据,这些数据尚未通过同行评审。 9月5日,NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜拍摄了第一批火星图像和光谱。该望远镜与ESA(欧洲航天局)和CSA(加拿大航天局)的国际合作项目,以其红外灵敏度为我们的邻居星球提供了独特的视角,补充了轨道飞行器、火星车和其他望远镜收集的数据。 韦伯独特的观测站位于近一百万英里外的日地拉格朗日点L2,提供了火星可观测圆盘(面向望远镜的阳光照射面的一部分)的视图。 因此,韦伯能够以所需的光谱分辨率捕获图像和光谱,以研究诸如沙尘暴、天气模式、季节变化等短期现象,以及在单次观测中发生在火星一天的不同时间(白天、日落和 夜间)的过程。 由于距离太近,无论是可见光(人眼可见)还是韦布设计用来探测的红外线,这颗红色星球都是夜空中最亮的物体之一。这对天文台提出了...


This cloudy, turbulent scene acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2017 shows a stellar nursery within the Large Magellanic Cloud. This nursery, known as N159, contains many hot young stars. These stars emit intense ultraviolet light, which causes nearby hydrogen gas to glow, and torrential stellar winds, which carve out ridges, arcs, and filaments from ...


2022年9月19日 Star Trails and Lightning over the Pyrenees Image Credit & Copyright: Marc Sellés Llimós Explanation: The beauty in this image comes in layers. On the bottom layer is the picturesque village of Manlleu in Barcelona, Spain. The six-minute exposure makes car lights into streaks. The next layer is a mountain — Serra de Bellmunt — of ...

秋分: 卡拉尼什巨石阵上空的日行迹

2022年9月18日 Analemma over the Callanish Stones Image Credit & Copyright: Giuseppe Petricca Explanation: If you went outside at the same time every day and took a picture that included the Sun, how would the Sun’s position change? A more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite image taken from the same spot at the same time over t...


2022年9月17日 Perseverance in Jezero Crater’s Delta Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, ASU Explanation: The Perseverance rover’s Mastcam-Z captured images to create this mosaic on August 4, 2022. The car-sized robot was continuing its exploration of the fan-shaped delta of a river that, billions of years ago, flowed into Jezero Crater on Mars. S...


2022年9月16日 The Tarantula Zone Image Credit & Copyright: >Processing – Robert Gendler, Roberto Colombari Data – Hubble Tarantula Treasury, European Southern Observatory, James Webb Space Telescope, Amateur Sources Explanation: The Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus, is more than a thousand light-years in diameter, a giant star forming...


NASA的毅力号火星车将其机械臂放置在火星耶泽罗陨石坑中一个名为“斯金纳岭”的岩石露头周围。这幅由多幅图像组成的拼图显示了三角洲悬崖表面的层状沉积岩,以及火星车研磨圆形斑块以分析岩石成分的位置之一。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS NASA的毅力号火星车正在进行第二次科学活动,在一个长期以来被科学家认为是在火星上寻找古代微生物生命迹象的最有希望的区域内采集岩芯样本。自7月7日以来,火星车从红色星球杰泽罗陨石坑的一个古老河流三角洲采集了四个样本,使具有科学意义的岩石样本总数达到了12个。 “我们之所以选择耶泽罗陨石坑进行探索,是因为我们认为它有最好的机会提供科学上优秀的样本,现在我们知道我们把探测器送到了正确的位置。”NASA华盛顿科学副局长托马斯·祖尔布琴说。“前两次科学活动产生了...


Astronaut Michael E. López-Alegría, mission specialist, is photographed in this close-up view during one of the STS-92 spacewalks on Oct. 18, 2000. During his NASA career, López-Alegría logged more than 257 days in space and performed 10 spacewalks totaling 67 hours and 40 minutes. He flew on the STS-73, STS-92 and STS-113 space shuttle missions and spent se...