按月归档: 3 月 2023

RCW 86: 古超新星遗迹

2023年3月3日 RCW 86: Historical Supernova Remnant Image Credit: CTIO/NOIRLab/DOE/NSF/AURA, T.A. Rector (Univ.of Alaska/NSF’s NOIRLab), J. Miller (Gemini Obs./NSF’s NOIRLab), M. Zamani & D. de Martin (NSF’s NOIRLab) Explanation: In 185 AD, Chinese astronomers recorded the appearance of a new star in the Nanmen asterism. That part of the sky is identified wi...


A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carries the company’s Dragon spacecraft with NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 mission members aboard in this five-minute long exposure taken on Thursday, March 2, 2023. Crew-6 is the sixth crew rotation mission of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket to the International Space Station as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. ...

崩解之中的NGC 3169

2023年3月2日 Unraveling NGC 3169 Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Selby & Mark Hanson Explanation: Spiral galaxy NGC 3169 looks to be unraveling like a ball of cosmic yarn. It lies some 70 million light-years away, south of bright star Regulus toward the faint constellation Sextans. Wound up spiral arms are pulled out into sweeping tidal tails as NGC 31...


Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly snapped this photo of the Earth’s crescent, the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter (from top to bottom) on Aug. 6, 2015, while he was aboard the International Space Station. These celestial bodies have been quite close in the night sky; on March 1, Venus and Jupiter were nearest to each other. For more skywatching tips, check out our ...


2023年3月1日 The Flaming Star Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Thomas Röell Explanation: Is star AE Aurigae on fire? No. Even though AE Aurigae is named the Flaming Star and the surrounding nebula IC 405 is named the Flaming Star Nebula, and even though the nebula appears to some like a swirling flame, there is no fire. Fire, typically defined as the rapid...


一个国际科学家团队发现了450年前发现的一颗恒星爆炸残骸的新信息。这一结果为超新星爆炸产生的冲击波如何将粒子加速到接近光速提供了新的线索。 这颗超新星遗迹被称为第谷,以丹麦天文学家第谷·布拉尼的名字命名,他在1572年注意到仙后座中这颗新“恒星”发出的明亮光芒。在这项新的研究中,天文学家使用NASA的X射线偏振成像探测器(IXPE)研究第谷超新星遗迹的偏振X射线。 利用NASA X射线偏振成像探测器(IXPE)的数据,国际研究人员发现了第谷超新星残骸的新信息,第谷超巨星残骸是仙后座的一颗爆炸恒星,1572年首次在地球上看到它发出的光。这些结果为这些巨大的恒星爆炸产生的冲击波如何将粒子加速到接近光速提供了新的线索,并首次揭示了超新星爆炸波附近磁场的几何结构,如这张合成图像所示,爆炸波在喷射物质周围形成了一个边界。...