按月归档: 6 月 2023


Though President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, many enslaved African Americans remained unaware of this executive order for an additional two and a half years. On June 19, 1865, Union troops read out General Order No. 3 at several locations throughout Galveston, Texas, announcing the end of legalized slavery and spread...


2023年6月16日 Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea Image Credit & Copyright: Bernd Pröschold (TWAN) Explanation: This serene view from the coast of Sweden looks across the Baltic sea and compresses time, presenting the passage of one night in a single photograph. From sunset to sunrise, moonlight illuminates the creative sea and skyscape. Fleeting clouds,...


The European Service Module for the Artemis II Orion spacecraft moves into the Final Assembly and System Testing Cell at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in this image from May 22, 2023. Here, teams are performing final checkouts on the service module, which will fuel and propel Orion in space, before integrating it with the crew module. After, the crew and...

M15: 紧实的球状星团

2023年6月15日 M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing: Ehsan Ebrahimian Explanation: Messier 15 is an immense swarm of over 100,000 stars. A 13 billion year old relic of the early formative years of our galaxy it’s one of about 170 globular star clusters that still roam the halo of the Milky Way. Centere...


In this long exposure photo from June 5, 2023, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket creates a beam of light as it launches from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The 28th commercial resupply mission of the Cargo Dragon spacecraft brought new science investigations, food, supplies, and equipment to the International Space Station, including IROSAs (International Space Sta...


2023年6月14日 The Shark Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Stephen Kennedy Explanation: There is no sea on Earth large enough to contain the Shark nebula. This predator apparition poses us no danger as it is composed only of interstellar gas and dust. Dark dust like that featured here is somewhat like cigarette smoke and created in the cool atmospheres of gi...


4月8日,NASA的好奇号火星探测器使用黑白导航相机在一天的两个时间拍摄了标记带山谷的全景。色彩被添加到两个全景的组合中,对场景进行艺术化的诠释。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 一天中两个时间的光线结合在一起,可以看到火星车留下的令人惊叹的地形。 在4月份完成了一次重大的软件更新后,NASA的好奇号火星探测器在离开标记带山谷之前,对其进行了最后一次观察,拍摄了一张“明信片”般的场景。 这张明信片是对风景的艺术诠释,在好奇号导航相机拍摄的两张黑白全景照片上添加了色彩。这张照片拍摄于火星当地时间4月8日上午9点20分和下午3点40分,它们提供了截然不同的光线,结合在一起,使场景中的细节更加突出。蓝色被添加到早上拍摄的明信片的部分,黄色被添加到下午拍摄的部分,就像好奇号在2021年11月拍摄的一张类似的...


During a spacewalk on June 9, 2023, NASA astronaut and Expedition 68 Flight Engineer Woody Hoburg rides the Canadarm2 robotic arm while maneuvering a roll-out solar array toward the International Space Station’s truss structure 257 miles above the Pacific Ocean. In the rear, is the SpaceX Dragon crew vehicle that docked to the Harmony module’s fo...


2023年6月13日 Moons Across Jupiter Image Credit: NASA; ESA, JPL, Cassini Imaging Team, SSI; Processing: Kevin M. Gill Explanation: Jupiter’s moons circle Jupiter. The featured video depicts Europa and Io, two of Jupiter’s largest moons, crossing in front of the grand planet’s Great Red Spot, the largest known storm system in our Solar System. ...