按月归档: 8 月 2023


2023年8月20日 A Roll Cloud Over Wisconsin Credit: Megan Hanrahan (Pierre cb), Wikipedia Explanation: What kind of cloud is this? A type of arcus cloud called a roll cloud. These rare long clouds may form near advancing cold fronts. In particular, a downdraft from an advancing storm front can cause moist warm air to rise, cool below its dew point, and so form a ...


2023年8月19日 Ringed Ice Giant Neptune Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, NIRCam Explanation: Ringed ice giant Neptune lies near the center of this sharp near-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope. The dim and distant world is the farthest planet from the Sun, about 30 times farther away than planet Earth. But in the stunning Webb view, the plane...


The massive cluster Abell 3322 is featured in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, in which the galaxy 2MASX J05101744-4519179 basks in the center. This distant galaxy cluster is a cosmic leviathan that is highly luminous at X-ray wavelengths. Observing galaxy clusters like Abell 3322 can advance our understanding of the evolution and interac...


2023年8月18日 Northern Pluto Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins Univ./APL, Southwest Research Institute Explanation: Gaze across the frozen canyons of northern Pluto in this contrast enhanced color scene. The image data used to construct it was acquired in July 2015 by the New Horizons spacecraft as it made the first reconnaissance flight through the remote Plut...


A Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket carrying students experiments for the RockOn! mission successfully launched from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility Aug. 17 at 6 a.m. EDT. The launch carried experiments for Cubes in Space, RockOn!, and RockSat-C student programs. The sounding rocket reached an altitude of 103 miles (116.7 kilometers) before descend...


2023年8月17日 A Cosmic Zoo in Cepheus Image Credit & Copyright: Yann Sainty Explanation: Sprawling emission nebulae IC 1396 and Sh2-129 mix glowing interstellar gas and dark dust clouds in this nearly 12 degree wide field of view toward the northern constellation Cepheus the King. Energized by its central star IC 1396 (left), is hundreds of light-years acr...


Two ospreys perch in their nest atop a marshalling area sign in front of the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida in this photo from June 7, 2023. Kennedy shares a border with the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Merritt Island’s strategic location along the Atlantic Flyway provides a resting and feeding place for...

Arp 93:宇宙级的拥抱

2023年8月16日 Arp 93: A Cosmic Embrace Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Selby, Observatorio El Sauce Explanation: Locked in a cosmic embrace, two large galaxies are merging at the center of this sharp telescopic field of view. The interacting system cataloged as Arp 93 is some 200 million light-years distant toward the constellation Aquarius in planet Earth&...