按月归档: 10 月 2023


A storm is pictured in the Arabian Sea less than 700 miles off the coast of Oman as the International Space Station orbited 260 miles above. NASA / Jasmin Moghbeli While the International Space Station orbited 260 miles above Earth on Oct. 20, 2023, astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli snapped this image of a storm in the Arabian Sea, less than 700 miles off the coast ...

Arp 87: 哈勃拍摄的合并中星系对

2023年10月24日 Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing: Harshwardhan Pathak Explanation: This dance is to the death. As these two large galaxies duel, a cosmic bridge of stars, gas, and dust currently stretches over 75,000 light-years and joins them. The bridge itself is strong evidence that these two immense star system...


Former flight test instructor and current NASA test pilot Nils Larson reunited with former student and current astronaut Victor Glover on Oct. 21 during an open house at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. NASA / Dave Bowman Nils Larson, aerospace engineer and test pilot for NASA’s X-59 aircraft, met up with his former student, Artemis II as...


2023年10月23日 Moon Io from Spacecraft Juno Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI, MSSS; Processing & Copyright: Ted Stryk & Fernando García Navarro Explanation: There goes another one! Volcanoes on Jupiter‘s moon Io keep erupting. To investigate, NASA‘s robotic Juno spacecraft has begun a series of visits to this very strange moon. Io is ...


NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, second from right, NASA associate administrator Bob Cabana, far right, and NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy (back to camera) speak with the 2021 Astronaut Candidate Class, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, at NASA Headquarters in Washington. After two years of training, they could be assigned to missions that involve performing re...


2023年10月22日 Ghost Aurora over Canada Image Credit & Copyright: Yuichi Takasaka, TWAN Explanation: What does this aurora look like to you? While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern Canada early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared. The aurora definitely appeared to be shaped like something, but what? Two ghostly possibilitie...


2023年10月21日 Quarter Moons Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: Half way between New Moon and Full Moon is the Moon’s first quarter phase. That’s a quarter of the way around its moonthly orbit. At the first quarter phase, half the Moon’s visible side is illuminated by sunlight. For the Moon’s third quarter p...


2023年10月20日 Galaxies and a Comet Image Credit & Copyright: Dan Bartlett Explanation: Galaxies abound in this sharp telescopic image recorded on October 12 in dark skies over June Lake, California. The celestial scene spans nearly 2 degrees within the boundaries of the well-trained northern constellation Canes Venatici. Prominent at the upper left 23.5 m...