按月归档: 10 月 2023


2023年10月14日 Circular Sun Halo Image Credit & Copyright: Vincenzo Mirabella Explanation: Want to see a ring around the Sun? It’s easy to do in daytime skies around the world. Created by randomly oriented ice crystals in thin high cirrus clouds, circular 22 degree halos are visible much more often than rainbows. This one was captured by smart phone ...


2023年10月13日 Hydrogen Clouds of M33 Image Credit & Copyright: Reinhold Wittich Explanation: Gorgeous spiral galaxy Messier 33 seems to have more than its fair share of glowing hydrogen gas. A prominent member of the local group of galaxies, M33 is also known as the Triangulum Galaxy and lies a mere 3 million light-years away. The galaxy’s central 3...


A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with the Psyche spacecraft onboard is seen as it is rolled out of the horizontal integration facility on Oct. 10, 2023, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida as preparations continue for the Psyche mission. NASA’s Psyche spacecraft will travel to a metal-rich asteroid by the same name orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter...


2023年10月12日 Mu Cephei Image Credit & Copyright: David Cruz Explanation: Mu Cephei is a very large star. An M-class supergiant some 1500 times the size of the Sun, it is one of the largest stars visible to the unaided eye, and even one of the largest in the entire Galaxy. If it replaced the Sun in our fair Solar System, Mu Cephei would easily engulf Mars...


NASA, ESA, Space Telescope Science Institute/J. Lee; Processing: NASA/Catholic University of America/Gladys Kober It’s easy to get swept up in the swirling starry arms of this intermediate spiral galaxy, NGC 4654, in the constellation Virgo. The galaxy has a bright center and is labeled “intermediate” because it has characteristics of both unbarred and barre...



NGC 1097: 有超新星的螺旋星系

2023年10月11日 NGC 1097: Spiral Galaxy with Supernova Image Data: Telescope Live (Chile); Image Processing & Copyright: Bernard Miller Explanation: What’s happening in the lower arm of this spiral galaxy? A supernova. Last month, supernova SN 2023rve was discovered with UAE‘s Al-Khatim Observatory and later found to be consistent with the death...

韦伯影像: 藏在猎户座大星云里的天体

2023年10月10日 Hidden Orion from Webb Image Credit & License: NASA, ESA, CSA, JWST; Processing: M. McCaughrean & S. Pearson Explanation: The Great Nebula in Orion has hidden stars. To the unaided eye in visible light, it appears as a small fuzzy patch in the constellation of Orion. But this image was taken by the Webb Space Telescope in a representati...


2023年10月9日 A Distorted Sunrise Eclipse Image Credit & Copyright: Elias Chasiotis Explanation: Yes, but have you ever seen a sunrise like this? Here, after initial cloudiness, the Sun appeared to rise in two pieces and during a partial eclipse in 2019, causing the photographer to describe it as the most stunning sunrise of his life. The dark circle near ...