按月归档: 12 月 2023


2023年12月7日 Orion and the Ocean of Storms Image Credit: NASA, Artemis 1 Explanation: On December 5, 2022, a camera on board the uncrewed Orion spacecraft captured this view as Orion approached its return powered flyby of the Moon. Beyond one of Orion’s extended solar arrays lies dark, smooth, terrain along the western edge of the Oceanus Procellarum. Pr...

25年前: 国际空间站的第一批部件

The mated Russian-built Zarya (left) and U.S.-built Unity modules are backdropped against the blackness of space and Earth’s horizon shortly after leaving Endeavour’s cargo bay on Dec. 13, 1998. A few days earlier, on Dec. 6, 1998, the space shuttle Endeavour, mission STS-88, launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida carrying the Unity connecting ...




2023年12月6日 Stars Versus Dust in the Carina Nebula Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA); Processing: Franco Meconi (Terraza al Cosmos) Explanation: It’s stars versus dust in the Carina Nebula and the stars are winning. More precisely, the energetic light and winds from massive newly formed stars are evaporating and dispersing the dusty ...


The Moon, left, Saturn, upper right, and Jupiter, lower right, are seen after sunset from Washington, DC, on Dec. 17, 2020. The two planets drew closer to each other in the sky as they headed towards a “great conjunction” on Dec. 21, where the two giant planets appeared a tenth of a degree apart. View and download the full image here. See skywatching highlig...


2023年12月5日 Energetic Particle Strikes the Earth Illustration Credit: Osaka Metropolitan U./L-INSIGHT, Kyoto U./Ryuunosuke Takeshige Explanation: It was one of the most energetic particles ever known to strike the Earth — but where did it come from? Dubbed Amaterasu after the Shinto sun goddess, this particle, as do all cosmic rays that strike the Earth...


If spacecraft are to visit the outer solar system, they must cross the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Pioneer mission was faced with the question of just how dangerous this asteroid belt would be to a spacecraft passing through it. Image Credit: NASA This illustration made on Nov. 26, 1974, by Rick Giudice shows the Pioneer 10 spacecraft traveli...


2023年12月4日 Plane Crossing Crescent Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Juned Patel Explanation: No, the Moon is not a bow, and no, it did not shoot out a plane like an arrow. What is pictured is a chance superposition. The plane’s contrail would normally appear white, but the large volume of air toward the rising Sun preferentially knocked away blue li...


“I want to help the Native community get better representation and show that we can help Native citizens get into aerospace engineering, mathematics, or [other STEM career fields]. And the Cherokee and Choctaw Nations are trying to do the same thing on their reservations. They have amazing education networks, so when I realized what they were doing, I wanted...


2023年12月3日 Moon Setting Behind Teide Volcano Video Credit & Copyright: Daniel López (El Cielo de Canarias); Music: Piano della Moon (Dan Silva) Explanation: These people are not in danger. What is coming down from the left is just the Moon, far in the distance. Luna appears so large here because she is being photographed through a telescopic lens. What ...