按月归档: 1 月 2024


2024年1月20日 Falcon Heavy Boostback Burn Image Credit & Copyright: Dennis Huff Explanation: The December 28 night launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Florida marked the fifth launch for the rocket’s reusable side boosters. About 2 minutes 20 seconds into the flight, the two side boosters separated from the rocket’s core...


2024年1月19日 Jupiter over 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Image Credit & License: Aurélien Genin Explanation: Jupiter, our Solar System’s ruling gas giant, is also the fastest spinning planet, rotating once in less than 10 hours. The gas giant doesn’t rotate like a solid body though. A day on Jupiter is about 9 hours and 56 minutes long at the poles, de...


This Hubble Picture of the Week features Arp 122, a peculiar galaxy that in fact comprises two galaxies — NGC 6040, the tilted, warped spiral galaxy and LEDA 59642, the round, face-on spiral — that are in the midst of a collision. This dramatic cosmic encounter is located at the very safe distance of roughly 570 million light-years from Earth. ESA/Hubble &am...


2024年1月18日 Northern Lights from the Stratosphere Image Credit & Copyright: Ralf Rohner Explanation: Northern lights shine in this night skyview from planet Earth’s stratosphere, captured on January 15. The single, 5 second exposure was made with a hand-held camera on board an aircraft above Winnipeg, Canada. During the exposure, terrestrial lights ...


The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite sensor on the NOAA-NASA Suomi NPP satellite captured this image of the aurora borealis, or northern lights, over western Canada at 3:23 a.m. MST (5:23 a.m. EST) on November 5, 2023. Auroras are colorful ribbons of light appearing in night skies, incited by a strong geomagnetic storm in Earth’s magnetosphere. Mult...


研究人员分析了NASA詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的图像,发现早期宇宙中的星系通常是扁平细长的,就像冲浪板和泳池浮条一样,很少是圆形的,比如排球或飞盘。“我们研究的星系中,大约有50%到80%在二维空间中看起来是扁平的。”该研究的第一作者维拉杰·潘迪亚解释说,他是纽约哥伦比亚大学的NASA哈勃研究员。“看起来像泳池浮条或冲浪板的星系在早期宇宙中似乎很常见,这令人惊讶,因为它们在我们附近并不常见。” 该团队专注于韦伯提供的大量近红外图像,即宇宙演化早期发布科学(CEERS)调查,从中挑选出估计在宇宙6亿至60亿岁时存在的星系。 图片: 遥远星系的形状样本 研究人员分析了来自NASA詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的宇宙演化早期发布科学(CEERS)调查中出现的遥远星系,发现当宇宙只有6亿到60亿年的时候,出现了一系列奇怪的形状。...


2024年1月17日 America and the Sea of Serenity Image Credit & Copyright: Gene Cernan, Apollo 17, NASA; Anaglyph by Patrick Vantuyne Explanation: Get out your red/blue glasses and check out this stereo view of another world. The scene was recorded by Apollo 17 mission commander Eugene Cernan on December 11, 1972, one orbit before descending to land on the Moo...


NASA and Lockheed Martin publicly unveil the X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft at a ceremony in Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to solve one of the major barriers to supersonic flight over land, currently banned in the United States, by making sonic booms ...


2024年1月16日 The Orion You Can Almost See Image Credit & Copyright: Michele Guzzini Explanation: Do you recognize this constellation? Although it is one of the most recognizable star groupings on the sky, this is a more full Orion than you can see — an Orion only revealed with long exposure digital camera imaging and post– processing. Here the ...

韦伯影像: 星团IC 348

2024年1月15日 Star Cluster IC 348 from Webb Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, and K. Luhman (Penn State U.) and C. Alves de Oliveira (ESA) Explanation: Sometimes, it’s the stars that are the hardest to see that are the most interesting. IC 348 is a young star cluster that illuminates surrounding filamentary dust. The stringy and winding dust appears pi...