2023年11月初,乔克托族传家宝种子调查项目将俄克拉荷马州乔克托族的五种传家宝种子送上国际空间站。这些种子分别是Isito(乔克托红薯南瓜)、Tobi(史密斯豌豆)、Tanchi Tohbi(面粉玉米)、Tvnishi(藜)和 Chukfi豌豆。这些种子在空间站上待了六个月,于2024年4月返回地球。
2023年11月初,乔克托族传家宝种子调查项目将俄克拉荷马州乔克托族的五种传家宝种子送上国际空间站。这些种子分别是Isito(乔克托红薯南瓜)、Tobi(史密斯豌豆)、Tanchi Tohbi(面粉玉米)、Tvnishi(藜)和 Chukfi豌豆。这些种子在空间站上待了六个月,于2024年4月返回地球。
A starfield is shown with a unusual textured nebula in the center colored in brown with blue trimmings. Diffuse red nebula appear around the edges. In the center is an opaque brown object. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
A starfield is shown that includes a bright comet. A bright tail points to the upper right but has an unusual dark streak in it. A thin anti-tail points toward the lower left. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
A picture of Mars is shown as a large orange globe. Across the center of the planet a long canyon is visible. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.
这张由NASA/ESA哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的照片显示的是NGC 1672,这是一个位于剑鱼座的棒旋星系,距离地球4,900万光年。
See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.
See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.