如需了解NASA内容用于商业用途的更多信息,请阅读《NASA广告指南》和《商品指南》。任何有关使用NASA内容或任何NASA标志的问题,请直接联系华盛顿NASA总部的NASA通信办公室的Bert Ulrich。
Issuance Date: March 26, 2023
Effective Date: March 26, 2023
1. The contents of NASAChina website (www.nasachina.cn) are reprinted from the NASA website (www.nasa.gov). To use the content on this site, please refer to the NASA Media Usage Guidelines.
2. If this Guidelines are available in Chinese and English, the Chinese version is for reference only. The English version of this Guidelines shall prevail in the case of any inconsistency between the two language versions.
Still Images, Audio Recordings, Video, and Related Computer Files for Non-Commercial Use
NASA content – images, audio, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format – generally are not subject to copyright in the United States. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.
News outlets, schools, and text-book authors may use NASA content without needing explicit permission, subject to compliance with these guidelines. NASA content used in a factual manner that does not imply endorsement may be used without needing explicit permission. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of the material. NASA occasionally uses copyright-protected material of third parties with permission on its website. Those images will be marked identified as copyright protected with the name of the copyright holder. NASA’s use does not convey any rights to others to use the same material. Those wishing to use copyright protected material of third parties must contact the copyright holder directly.
NASA has extensive image and video galleries online, including historic images, current missions, astronomy pictures, Earth images and ways to search for NASA images. Generally, each mission and program has a video and image collection on the topic page. For example, Space Station videos can be found at https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/videos/index.html. Content can also be found on our extensive social media channels.
For questions about specific images, please call 202-358-1900. For questions about specific video, please call 202-358-0309.
NASA Content Used for Commercial Purposes
For more information on using NASA content for commercial purposes, please read NASA Advertising Guidelines and Merchandise Guidelines. Any questions regarding use of NASA content, or any NASA emblems, should be directed to Bert Ulrich in NASA’s Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
For information on NASA involvement in documentaries and films, please see documentary and fictional film project guidelines.
For use of NASA images in books, clearances may be necessary for images that include any NASA logos or NASA employees to be used as cover art or in promotional content. Otherwise, NASA imagery can be generally used editorially within published works that are not promotional in nature.
If the NASA material is to be used for commercial purposes, including advertisements, it must not explicitly or implicitly convey NASA’s endorsement of commercial goods or services.
If a NASA image includes an identifiable person, using the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person’s right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person.
Current NASA employees, including astronauts, may not appear in advertising, promotional, or similar commercial material.
Commercials and promotional content cannot be filmed on NASA property.
About APOD Image Permissions
All the images on the APOD page are credited to the owner or institution where they originated. Some of the images are copyrighted and to use these pictures publicly or commercially one must write to the owners for permission. For the copyrighted images, the copyright owner is identified in the APOD credit line (please see the caption under the image), along with a hyperlink to the owner’s location. NASA images are in the public domain, official guidelines for their use can be found here. For images credited to other owners/institutions, please contact them directly for copyright and permissions questions.
Neither NASA nor NASAchina website can grant permission to use copyrighted images. For use of these images, please write to the copyright owners.