Moon Eclipses Saturn
Image Credit & Copyright: Pau Montplet Sanz
Explanation: What if Saturn disappeared? Sometimes, it does. It doesn’t really go away, though, it just disappears from view when our Moon moves in front. Such a Saturnian eclipse, more formally called an occultation, was visible along a long swath of Earth — from Peru, across the Atlantic Ocean, to Italy — only a few days ago. The featured color image is a digital fusion of the clearest images captured during the event and rebalanced for color and relative brightness between the relatively dim Saturn and the comparatively bright Moon. Saturn and the comparative bright Moon. The exposures were all taken from Breda, Catalonia, Spain, just before occultation. Eclipses of Saturn by our Moon will occur each month for the rest of this year. Each time, though, the fleeting event will be visible only to those with clear skies — and the right location on Earth.
Gallery: Moon Eclipses Saturn in August 2024
Tomorrow’s picture: hole flower
影像提供与版权: Pau Montplet Sanz
说明: 土星会不会突然消失?有时还真的会。不过,它并不是真的消失了,只是我们的月球通过它的前方,让它消失在我们的视线里。这样的土星食,正式的名称是掩星,而就在几天前,从秘鲁横过大西洋到意大利的地球长条区域,都见到了这个月掩土星事件。这张彩色的主题影像,数位融合了数张记录此事件的最清晰照片,并针对相对昏暗的土星和相对明亮的月球,进行了色彩和亮度的调整。这些呈现掩星即将发生前景观的照片,都是摄于西班牙 加泰罗尼亚的布瑞达村。今年接下来到年底的这些月份,都会发生月掩土星。只不过,这些稍纵即逝的事件,只有位于地球适当地点和有清朗天空的人们才得见。
图库: 2024年8月月掩土星
明日的图片: hole flower