In this black and white infrared image, the Soyuz rocket is seen as it transported to the launch pad by train, Thursday, July…
In this black and white infrared image, the Soyuz rocket is seen as it transported to the launch pad by train, Thursday, July…
On July 16, 2019, the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch to the Moon, astronaut Michael Collins speaks to launch team m…
At 9:32 a.m. EDT, July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 launched from Florida, taking commander Neil Armstrong, lunar module pilot Buzz Al…
1969年7月16日,阿波罗11号飞往月球并载入史册。艺术家Russ Arasmith对阿波罗计划的设想在他的作品中得到了很好的体现。Arasmith在洛杉矶时报工作了32年,其中17年担任编辑艺术总监。他为这个时代创作了所有的太空图画。这些图纸是他…
The galaxy NGC 1156 resembles a delicate cherry blossom tree flowering in springtime in this Hubble image. The many bright &#…