一、 我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息
二、 Cookie和同类技术
三、 我们如何委托处理、共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息
四、 征得授权同意例外
五、 我们如何存储您的个人信息
六、 我们如何保护您的个人信息
七、 您如何管理您的个人信息
八、 我们如何保护未成年人的个人信息
九、 本政策如何更新
十、 如何联系我们
十一、 其他条款
- 为保障服务的稳定性与安全性,将个人信息用于身份验证、安全防范、诈骗监测、预防或禁止非法活动、降低风险、存档和备份用途;
- 基于您的事先同意,邀请您参与同我们服务、产品或功能有关的客户调研;
- 为提供更加准确、个性、流畅及便捷的服务,或帮助我们评估、改善或设计产品、服务及运营活动等,而对个人信息进行去标识化或脱敏处理,并进行综合统计、分析加工;
- 确保我们能够提供和维持网站服务的日常运作,如关联公司向我们提供的信息存储或其他外包服务,以及印刷品承包商等;
- 基于您的事先同意,推广相关产品,包括但不限于以传单、电话、短信、传真、邮件等方式向您及/或相关方进行推广。
- 回复、响应您的询问和要求;
- 提供您希望获得的或可能感兴趣的信息、产品或服务(在取得同意的前提下);
- 履行您与我们之间的协议;
- 使您能够使用网站和/或移动应用程序的互动功能;
- 通知您有关网站和/或移动应用程序的任何变更;
- 改善您的用户体验;
- 维护网站/移动应用程序服务的正常、安全运行,防范、控制风险,发现、阻止对我们的网站/移动应用程序、产品或服务的不当使用行为;
- 履行我们的法律义务、合规责任、遵守或执行任何适用法律法规;
- 对我们的业务、产品、服务、功能使用情况进行统计分析。
- 将信息披露给第三方服务提供人员、代理人或为了支持我们业务而提供服务的独立合同员工。
- 我们的其他供应商、服务提供商和其他合作伙伴。
- 在获取单独同意的情况下共享:获得您的单独同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息。
- 为与您签订、履行合同所必需的情况。
- 我们可能会根据法律法规规定,或按政府主管部门、法院、监管机构、税务机关、或任何其他当局(包括调查犯罪的任何当局)的强制性要求,对外共享您的个人信息。
- 您死亡或丧失民事行为能力时,向您的法定监护人或您的继承人共享您的个人信息。
- 与授权合作伙伴共享:仅为实现本政策中声明的目的,为了履行与您之间的协议,我们的某些服务将由授权合作伙伴提供,或您的个人信息须向我们的合作伙伴提供方能实现您的交易目的。就此,我们仅会出于合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的个人信息,并且只会共享提供服务所必要的个人信息。我们的合作伙伴无权将共享的个人信息用于任何其他用途。
- 获得您的单独同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的个人信息。
- 在涉及合并、收购或破产清算、资产转让等类似交易时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束,否则该公司、组织将在适用法律法规要求时事先向您告知并征求您的同意。
- 获得您单独同意后。
- 在法律、法规、司法、法律程序、政府主管部门强制性的行政执法要求必须提供您的个人信息的情况下,我们可能会依据必须提供的范围和方式公开披露您的个人信息。在这种情况下,我们会请求提出要求的相关部门出具合理的文件,以确保该等要求具备合法的依据,并且相关部门具有合法的权力和合理目的获取您的个人信息。
- 为与您签订、履行合同所必需的;
- 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需的;
- 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需的;
- 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息;
- 所涉及的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的或者其他已经合法公开的信息中收集个人信息并在合理范围内处理的;
- 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
- 我们会存储您的个人信息以满足我们的正当业务需求(例如向您提供服务或者来满足相应的法律、税务以及财务的要求)。
- 当我们没有这些需要使用到您的个人信息的正当业务需求时,或者是中国法律法规规定的留存时间届满时,我们会删除您的个人信息或者对其进行匿名化处理,或者在删除或者匿名化处理皆不可能实现(例如您的个人信息已经在备份中存储)时,安全地存储这些个人信息并且将这些个人信息与其他的数据处理区隔开来。
如您为网站注册用户,对于您在使用中提供的部分个人信息,您可以通过登录网站 https://www.nasachina.cn 等电子渠道进行删除。如您非网站注册用户,或者无法通过上述方式删除您的个人信息,请通过本政策下方提供的联系方式联系我们。
- 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
- 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
- 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
- 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的;
- 我们有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;
- 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又难得到本人同意的;
- 响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;
- 涉及商业秘密的。
未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本政策所应享有的权利。您可通过访问NASA中文网站 www.nasachina.cn 下方的“隐私政策”处,阅读了解不时更新的本政策。如您不同意本政策的部分或全部条款,请停止使用我们的服务或联系我们。
Effective Date: 25/12/2024
Issuance Date: 25/12/2024
NASAChina (“we”, “us” or “website”) is fully aware of the importance of personal information to you and strives at all times to respect and protect your privacy. We therefore formulate this NASAChina Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to better explain how we collect, store, protect, use and disclose personal information and to help you understand the rights you have.
This Policy applies to personal information (including sensitive personal information) involved of you and relevant party when you access, browse and use our websites and mobile applications, apply for or use our products or services, attend our events, accept our sponsorship or donations, and otherwise interact with us. This Policy is closely related to your use of our services and/or contact with us. We advise you to carefully read and understand this Policy in full. Please do not use our services or contact us if you do not understand or accept this Policy in full.
We may establish specific privacy policies for specific channels, products, services, businesses, and activities. Where such specific privacy policies exist, such specific privacy policies will apply to the extent determined by them. In addition, we may, in some cases, provide you with separate subject-specific notice letter to further disclose how we process certain personal information. Such notice letter, which supplements this Policy, this Policy and the related specific privacy policies constitute the complete rules for processing your personal information all together.
Should you have any question, comment or suggestion, please contact us at:
E-mail: nasachina@nasachina.cn
This Policy will help you to understand:
I. How we collect and use your personal information
II. Cookies and similar technologies
III. How we entrust the processing of, and share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
IV. Exceptions to obtaining consent
V. How we store your personal information
VI. How we protect your personal information
VII. How you could manage your personal information
VIII. How we protect the personal information of minors
IX. How we update this Policy
X. How to contact us
XI. Miscellaneous
I. How we collect and use your personal information
Personal information refers to various information related to an identified or identifiable natural person recorded electronically or by other means, but does not include anonymized information.
Sensitive personal information refers to the personal information that is likely to result in damage to the personal dignity of any natural person or damage to his or her personal or property safety once disclosed or illegally used, including such information as biometric identification, religious belief, specific identity, medical health, financial account and whereabouts and tracks, as well as the personal information of minors under the age of fourteen. We will process your sensitive personal information only when there is a specific purpose, when it is of necessity, and under the circumstance where strict protective measures are taken.
(A) How we collect your personal information
In the course of our business, we may collect and use personal information of you and/or relevant party to provide products and services to you and/or relevant party, to contact and communicate, to maintain proper and safe operation of our business and to prevent and control risks, to enhance and improve user experience, and to perform various legal obligations. We have described below the personal information we may collect and use in different business scenarios.
To provide the products or services listed below to you as an individual customer, the personal information we may collect and use includes, but is not limited to, your name, gender, date of birth, identity card number, telephone number, email address, address, Alipay account number and related additional information (such as your province and city, postal code, etc.). These personal information is necessary to provide you with products or services, and to enable us to perform our legal obligations; if you refuse to provide relevant personal information (or provide incomplete, inaccurate or untrue information), we may not be able to provide you or relevant party with the relevant products or services.
When you visit, browse, or use our websites, mobile application as a visitor or as our customer, we may use Cookies to automatically collect certain information from your device. (See section II of this Policy “Cookies and similar technologies” for more information.)
Our products and services are updating and developing constantly. If you choose to use any other service not listed above for which we have to collect your or relevant party’s personal information, we will separately explain to you, the purposes, methods, and scope of personal information we collect, process or disclose by means of reminders, notices, interactive process, application documents, agreements or other appropriate method.
(B) How we use your personal information
To achieve the purposes described in section (A) “How we collect your personal information” above, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances:
- We will use your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Policy, in particular, the purposes and functions as described in the “How we collect your personal information” section above and to achieve our other related service purposes and functions;
- To ensure the stability and security of our services, personal information may be used for verifying identity, safeguarding, monitoring fraud, preventing or prohibiting illegal activities, minimizing risks or for archival and backup purposes;
- To provide with you more accurate, personalized, smooth and easy-to-access services, or to seek for your help with evaluating, improving or designing our products, services and operational activities, to de-identify or desensitize personal information and aggregate them for analysis and processing;
- To ensure that we can provide and maintain regular website services, e.g., the information storage, other outsourcing services provided by related companies to us or printing vendor, etc.;
- To market relevant products or related products, including but not limited to the marketing to you and/or relevant party via brochure, telephone calls, short messages, fax, and email based on your prior consent。
When you visit, browse, use our website and/or mobile application as our visitor or our customer, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances:
- To respond to and be responsive to your inquiries and requests;
- To provide information, products or services that you wish to obtain or that may be of interest to you as agreed by you;
- To perform our agreements with you;
- To enable you to use the interactive features of the website and/or mobile application;
- To inform you of any changes to the website and/or mobile application;
- To enhance your user experience;
- To maintain the proper and secure operation of the website/mobile application and banking operations and services, to prevent and control risks, and to detect and prevent improper use of our website/mobile application, products or services;
- To perform our legal obligations, compliance responsibilities, and to comply with or enforce any applicable laws and regulations;
- To conduct statistical analysis of our business, products, services, and function usage.
We will ask for your prior consent when required by applicable laws and regulations if we need to use any information for any purpose other than the one for which it is collected.
II. Cookies and similar technologies
When you visit, browse, or use our websites, mobile applications, we may use Cookies to automatically collect certain information from your device. We use such information for internal analysis and troubleshooting, to improve the quality of our content, and to determine the security status of your account. We also need to keep appropriate logs to record the status of our websites and mobile applications in order to comply with Chinese laws and regulations. Cookies store anonymous statistics only and do not involve name, address, telephone, email address and other personal contact information. You may choose to erase all Cookies stored on your browser at any time by using the “Clear Browsing Data” function of your browser.
III. How we entrust the processing of, and share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
(A) Entrusting the processing
We may entrust our affiliated companies and third-party service providers who provide products and/or services to us and partners to process your personal information on our behalf, for example:
- Disclosure to third-party service providers, agents or independent contract employees who provide services in support of our business.
- Our other supplier, service provider and other partner.
We will sign written agreements with third parties that we entrust the processing of personal information, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our requirements, this Policy and the requirements of laws and regulations.
(B) Sharing
We will only share your personal information with any company, organization or individual other than SCB China under the following circumstances:
- Sharing with separate consent: we will share your personal information with others upon obtaining your separate consent.
Circumstances necessary for the conclusion and performance of contracts with you. - Circumstances necessary for the conclusion and performance of contracts with you.
- We may disclose your personal information as required under applicable laws and regulations or in accordance with the mandatory requirements of relevant government authorities, courts, regulators, tax authorities, or any other authorities (including any authority that investigates criminal activities).
- Disclosure to your legal guardian or heir upon your death or loss of legal capacity.
- Sharing with our authorized partners: for the sole purpose of serving the purposes stated in this Policy, some of our services will be provided by our authorized partners in the course of performance of our agreement with you, or your personal information has to be provided to our partners in order to fulfill the purpose of your transaction. For such purpose and to such extent, we will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, particular and specific purposes, and we will only share the personal information that is necessary for the provision of services. Our partners have no right to use the personal information we share with them for any other purposes.
We will inform you of the relevant matters regarding the provision of your personal information to third parties when required by applicable laws and regulations, including the identity of the recipient of the personal information, contact information, the purpose of processing, the manner of processing and the type of personal information (and, in the case of cross-border data transfers, the manner and procedures for you to exercise your relevant rights against the foreign recipient of the personal information), for example through the relevant specific privacy policy, authorization letter.
(C) Transfer
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except:
- We may transfer your personal information to others after obtaining your separate consent.
- In the case of mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcy, liquidation, transfer of assets or other similar transactions where transfer of personal information is required, we will request the succeeding company or organization holding your personal information to be bound by this Policy; otherwise, the company or organization will inform you and seek your consent in advance when required by applicable laws and regulations.
(D) Public Disclosure
We will only disclose your personal information to the public in the following circumstances:
- After obtaining your separate consent.
- We may disclose your personal information publicly to the extent and in the manner required mandatorily by law, regulation, justice, legal proceedings, or mandatory administrative enforcement by government authority. In such cases, we will request reasonable documentation from the relevant authority making the request to ensure that such request has a lawful basis and that the relevant authority has lawful authority and a reasonable purpose to obtain your personal information.
IV. Exceptions to obtaining consent
According to the relevant laws and regulations, regulatory requirements and national standards, we may collect, use or disclose your personal information without otherwise obtaining your authorization and consent in the following circumstances:
- Necessary for the conclusion and performance of contracts with you;
- Necessary for the performance of statutory duties or obligations;
- Necessary for the response to public health emergencies, or for the protection of life, health, and property safety of natural persons in emergencies;
- Where the personal information is reasonably processed for news reporting, media supervision, and other activities conducted in the public interest;
- Where the personal information disclosed by you or other legally disclosed personal information is reasonably processed;
- Other circumstances as provided by laws or administrative regulations.
V. How we store your personal information
(A) Location of Retention
Our primary business information systems are located in mainland China and the personal information related to customers will be stored primarily in mainland China.
(B) Retention Period
We will take all reasonably practical measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected.
Except as provided otherwise by laws or regulations, we will store your personal information for the following periods:
- We will store your personal information to meet our legitimate business needs (e.g., to provide services to you and financial requirements).
- When we do not have a legitimate business need to use your personal information, or when the retention period stipulated by Chinese laws and regulations expires, we will delete or anonymize your personal information or, if neither deletion nor anonymization is possible (for example, if your personal information is already stored in a backup), store it securely and keep it separate from other data processing.
VI. How we protect your personal information
(A) We have used safety measures up to industry standards to protect the personal information you provide and to prevent the data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonably practical measures to protect your personal information.
(B) We will take all reasonably practical measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will only store and retain your personal information for a period as minimum as necessary to fulfill the purposes stated in this Policy unless we need to extend the retention period or where laws and regulations permit.
(C) The Internet is not an absolutely safe place. E-mails, instant messages, and communications with other users are not encrypted; therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not send any personal information through these ways. Please use complex passwords to help us keep your account safe.
(D) We will regularly/irregularly assess safety risks and personal information safety implications.
(E) The Internet is not absolutely safe, and we will take every effort to guarantee the security of the information you send us. We will take responsibility in accordance with the law if your information suffers from unauthorized access, public disclosure, erasure or damage as a result of any damage to our physical, technical or management protection facilities and your lawful rights and interests are so impaired.
(F) If unfortunately, a personal information security incident occurs, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the type of information, cause and possible harm of the personal information leakage, tampering, loss of information that occurs or is likely to occur, the actions and measures we have taken or will take, suggestions on what you can do to prevent and mitigate risks, and our contact information. We will promptly inform you about the incident by email, SMS, letter, call or other means. Where it is difficult to inform each personal information subject, we will give a public notice in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, we will report the handling of such personal information security incident on our initiative in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.
VII. How you could manage your personal information
In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and standards of the People’s Republic of China as well as the common practices in other countries and regions, we guarantee that you may exercise the following rights in relation to your personal information:
(A) Access and correct your personal information
If you are our registered user, you may view or update your personal information by logging in our website at www.nasachina.cn, unless otherwise provided by laws, regulations or regulatory policies.
You have the right and obligation to update your personal information in a timely manner to ensure that such information is accurate. When you change any of your information through our website, we will send a reminder to the e-mail you register with NASAChina for the safety of your account.
When you change information on our website, we will send reminders via email to keep your information secure.
If you are not our registered user, or are unable to access and correct your personal information in the ways described above, please contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy.
(B) Obtaining a copy of your personal information
If you wish to obtain a copy of your personal information, please contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy.
(C) Delete your personal information
If you are our registered user, for part of your personal information provided in your use of website and other electronic channels, you can delete it by logging in our website at www.nasachina.cn and other electronic channels. If you are not our registered user, or are unable to access and correct your personal information in the ways described above, please contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy.
If you find that our collection or use of your personal information is in violation of laws and regulations or the agreement between you and us, you may request us to delete your personal information in accordance with the law. We will delete your personal information when permitted by laws or regulations (e.g., after the expiration of the legal retention period).
When you delete information, we may not immediately delete the information from our backup system but we will delete such information at the time of next update of our backup.
(D) Withdraw authorization and change the scope of your authorization and consent
If you are our registered user, for electronic channels such as webstie, you may change the scope of your authorization for us to collect your personal information or withdraw your consent by deleting some information or turning off certain functions on your device. If you are not our registered user, or if you are unable to change the scope of your authorization or withdraw your authorization by the above means, please contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy. However, please be aware that your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect any collection of personal information based on your consent prior to such withdrawal.
(E) Transfer your personal information
You have the right to request us to transfer the personal information you provide to us to the third party of your choice. However, this right may only be exercised in certain circumstances as provided by Chinese law. You may contact us by using the contact information at the bottom of this Policy for more information about your relevant rights.
(F) Refuse to receive commercial promotion information
To introduce you the products or services that you may be interested in, we may, in the future, send you commercial promotion information through certain channels on a moderate basis. You may refuse to receive such information by clicking skip, rejecting, or replying unsubscribe. You may also contact us using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Policy to learn more about your relevant rights.
(G) Constraint automated decision making
In some services, we may make decisions based solely on non-human and automated decision-making mechanisms, including information systems, algorithms, etc. If these decisions significantly affect your legal rights, you have the right to request an explanation from us, and we will also provide appropriate remedies.
(H) Response to your requests above
For your security, you may need to submit a written request or identify yourself through other ways. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. Unless otherwise specifically provided in laws and regulations, we will, in principle, review and process your requests for correcting your personal information, deleting or cancelling your account submitted in accordance with the procedures described in this Policy within 15 working days:
In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable requests, but we will charge a cost fee for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, as appropriate. We may reject requests that are unwarrantedly repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, requiring the development of new systems or fundamental changes to current practices), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical.
According to the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, we will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:
- Where it directly relates to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;
- Where it directly relates to national security and national defense security;
- Where it directly relates to public security, public health or major public interest;
- Where it directly relates to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials or execution of rulings, etc.;
- Where there is sufficient evidence showing that you are intentionally malicious or abuse your rights;
- Where it is required to protect your or others’ life, property or other material legitimate rights and interests while it is difficult to obtain your consent;
- Where responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of yours or of other individuals or organizations;
- Where the request involves any trade secret.
VIII. How we protect the personal information of minors
We expect parents or guardians to guide the minors in their use of our services. We will protect the confidentiality and security of the minors’ information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. For minor users under the age of 14, we will process their personal information with the consent of their parents or guardians in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.
If you are a minor, we suggest that you read this Policy together with your parents or guardians. For the personal information we collect with the consent of your parents or guardians, we will only use such information to the extent permitted by law, with the express consent of your parents or guardians or necessary for protecting you.
If your parents or guardians do not agree you to provide personal information to us in accordance with this Policy, please do not provide us with personal information and stop using our services immediately.
IX. How we update this Policy
This Policy may be updated from time to time. Once it is updated, we will notify you in a manner appropriate to the significance of those changes. We will obtain your consent for any significant changes to this Policy as required by applicable data protection laws.
We will not reduce your rights under this Policy without your explicit consent. You can read this Policy as updated from time to time at the bottom of the website of NASAChina at www.nasachina.cn. If you do not agree with any or all of the terms of this Policy, please stop using our services or contact us.
X. How to contact us
If you have any question, comment or suggestion, especially those regarding personal information or this Policy, please contact us through the means set forth below and we will in principle respond within 15 working days of receiving your question, comment or suggestion:
-Website Name: NASAChina
-E-mail: nasachina@nasachina.cn
If you are not satisfied with our reply, and in particular consider that our processing of personal information has caused harm to your legitimate rights and interests, you may also file complaints or report to the department performing personal information protection duties, resort to a people’s court of competent jurisdiction, or seek solutions through other means as provided in applicable laws and regulations.
XI. Miscellaneous
(A) In the event that this Policy conflicts in any way with the terms and conditions of separate agreements or engagements that you have entered into with us when using our services or contacting us, such special engagement shall prevail insofar.
(B) If this Policy is available in Chinese and English, the Chinese version is for reference only. The English version of this Policy shall prevail in the case of any inconsistency between the two language versions.