标签: 下弦月


The featured image shows an orange sky with clouds across the bottom and several bright stars near the top center. Just at the top of the cloud deck on the left is a half-lit Moon. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


2023年10月21日 Quarter Moons Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: Half way between New Moon and Full Moon is the Moon’s first quarter phase. That’s a quarter of the way around its moonthly orbit. At the first quarter phase, half the Moon’s visible side is illuminated by sunlight. For the Moon’s third quarter p...


2022年8月25日 Tiangong Space Station Transits the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Lucy Yunxi Hu Explanation: The rugged lunar south polar region lies at the top of this colorful portrait of a last quarter Moon made on August 20. Constructed from video frames and still images taken at Springrange, New South Wales, Australia it also captures a transit of Chin...


2019 September 26 Da Vinci Rise Image Credit & Copyright: Likai Lin Explanation: An old Moon rose this morning, its waning sunlit crescent shining just above the eastern horizon before sunrise. But earthshine, light reflected from a bright planet Earth, lit the shadowed portion of the lunar disk and revealed most of a familiar lunar near side to early m...