标签: 伽马射线

超新星遗迹CTA 1

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A blue oval is shown with a red and yellow horizontal band running across the middle. Red and yellow spots also appear distributed inside the oval. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


A large and orange-tinted moon is pictured rising beyond the pillars of an ancient structure. The foreground is dark and the night sky behind the Moon appear blue. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


2023年9月6日 HESS Telescopes Explore the High-Energy Sky Credit & Copyright: Video Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai (TWAN), H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Music: Ibaotu catalog number 1044988 (Used with permission) Explanation: They may look like modern mechanical dinosaurs, but they are enormous swiveling eyes that watch the sky. The High Energy Stereoscopic Sy...


2022年8月11日 Perseids and MAGIC Image Credit & Copyright: Urs Leutenegger Explanation: On August 11, 2021 a multi-mirror, 17 meter-diameter MAGIC telescope reflected this starry night sky from the Roque de los Muchachos European Northern Observatory on the Canary Island of La Palma. MAGIC stands for Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov. The telescope...

费米太空望远镜发现 月球的伽马射线比太阳还强

从NASA的费米太空望远镜拍摄的时间序列中可以看到,伽马射线下的月球发出明亮的光芒。每张5×5度的图像以月球为中心,显示了能量超过3100万电子伏的伽马射线,是可见光的几千万倍。在这些能量下,月球实际上比太阳还要亮。较亮的颜色表示伽马射线的数量较多。该动画显示了在从2个月到128个月(10.7年)的较长曝光时间下,成像得到了怎样的改善。 版权:NASA/美国国防部(DOE)/Fermi LAT Collaboration 如果我们的眼睛能看到被称作伽马射线的高能辐射,就会发现月球就比太阳更亮!美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的费米伽马射线太空望远镜(Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope)在过去的十年里就是通过这种方式来对我们的邻居-月球进行观测的。 由于伽马射线的观测不够灵敏,无法清楚地...