Japan’s Geiyo Archipelago, in the Seito Inland Sea, was once home to pirates. From the 9th to the 16th centuries, the p…
永久冻土的融化会导致土地消失,如图所示,阿拉斯加德鲁角沿岸的部分海岸断崖已塌陷入海。 影像来源:本杰明·琼斯,美国地质勘探局 为了更全面地了解气候变化是如何影响地球上的冰冻地区,科学家们正在结合从空气、陆地和太空收集的数据。 被困在地球永久冻土层(至…
The LAMP mission, short for Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations, launched on Saturday, Marc 5, 2022, aboard a Black Br…
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541 rocket, carrying the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostation…
2022年2月27日 Earthrise 1: Historic Image Remastered Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 8 Crew, Bill Anders; Processing and License: Jim…
This image from January 2022 shows the first rays of an orbital sunrise as seen from the International Space Station as it or…