IC 5146: 茧状星云

IC 5146: 茧状星云

A red emission nebula is shown against a busy starfield with many dark dust filaments near the nebula’s center. Near the bottom of the image is a smaller blue reflection nebula. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.



A starfield is shown featuring many pillars of interstellar gas and dust, mostly in the center. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

JADES-GS-z14-0: 最遥远天体的新记录

JADES-GS-z14-0: 最遥远天体的新记录

A dark field is shown filled with smudges that are distant galaxies. One smudge is expanded in an inset box. This box shows a reddish elongated object. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

NGC 6188: 天坛座的龙形云气

NGC 6188: 天坛座的龙形云气

Gas and dust are shown in a deep starfield. The gas glows blue and red, while the dark dust is connected in filaments across the image. To some, the filaments appear to have the shape of two dragons fighting. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.