标签: 欧罗巴快船


U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón reads her poem for the Europa Clipper mission during an event with NASA, Thursday, June 1, 2023, at the Library of Congress in Washington. The original poem, entitled “In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa,” connects two water worlds – Earth and Europa. The poem will be engraved on a plaque carried aboard the Europa Clipper spa...


NASA又整活了,邀请公众填写自己的名字,伴随欧罗巴快船(Europa Clipper)任务,航行2.9亿公里(1.8亿英里),前往木星轨道,通过一系列的飞越,来研究木卫二,这是一个可能支持生命存在的海洋世界。 木卫二快船预计于2024年10月发射升空,发射窗口期21天,预计于2030年4月抵达。报名地址详见: https://europa.nasa.gov/message-in-a-bottle/sign-on/ 另外一同前往的还有美国诗人艾达·李蒙(Ada Limón)写的一首诗,《赞美神秘:献给木卫二的诗》 听艾达朗读这首诗 In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa Arching under the night sky inky with black expansi...


The core of NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft has taken center stage in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. Standing 10 feet (3 meters) high and 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide, the craft’s main body will for the next two years be the focus of attention in the facility’s ultra-hygienic High Bay 1 as engi...


在木卫二发现羽流是一个令人兴奋的展望,但科学家警告说,即使近距离观察,也会很棘手。 2005年,从土星卫星土卫二表面喷发出的明亮的水状羽流图像吸引了全世界的目光。从土卫二南极地区喷射出来的巨大蒸汽柱、冰粒子和有机分子表明,在土卫二的冰壳下面有液态水海洋,也证实了土卫二的地质活动非常活跃。烟柱还将土卫二和太阳系外的其他行星推向了NASA寻找生命迹象名单的前列,这些星球既没有大气层,也远离太阳热量。 科学家们现在正准备前往另一个可能有羽状物的冰封海洋世界:木星的卫星木卫二。NASA的欧罗巴快船计划于2024年发射,它将从木卫二的深层内部到表面对其进行研究,以确定它是否含有使其成为适宜生命家园的成分。 与土卫二一样,木卫二在地质上也是动态的,这意味着这两颗卫星的固体层在与主行星和邻近卫星的引力拉力赛中拉伸和弯曲时,都...


Contamination control engineers in a clean room at the Goddard Space Flight Center evaluate a propellant tank before it is installed in our Europa Clipper spacecraft. The tank is one of two that will be used to hold the spacecraft’s propellant. It will be inserted into the cylinder seen at left in the background, one of two cylinders that make up the p...