The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) spacecraft is seen in this early morning photo from Dec. 14, 2022, as preparati…
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) spacecraft onboard is seen as it rolls out to the…
一旦卫星进入轨道,SWOT任务不仅将定期监测像俄勒冈州威拉米特这样的强大河流(如图),而且还将监测直径至少330英尺(100米)的小河流。 影像来源:美国能源部 地表水和海洋地形任务将对地球上95%以上的湖泊、河流和水库进行测量。 水就是生命,但尽管…
We’re celebrating 50 years of the Landsat satellite, the first of which launched on July 23, 1972. The latest in the se…
科学家们反复检查天气预报,为飞机的飞行做准备,并在最后一刻检查科学仪器。一场巨大的冬季风暴即将来临,但这正是这些追逐风暴的科学家们所希望的。 该团队正在NASA的两架飞机上追踪美国中西部和东部的风暴,这两架飞机配备了科学仪器,以帮助了解冬季风暴形成和…
In 2021, Hurricane Ida left over 1 million people without power, tornadoes tore across the American Midwest, volcanoes forced…