标签: 磁场


The featured image shows the surface of the Sun with a flowing texture in red light. Above the Sun’s surface an unusual triangular prominence hovers. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


2021年04月21日 Centaurus A’s Warped Magnetic Fields Image Credit: Optical: European Southern Observatory (ESO) Wide Field Imager; Submillimeter: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy/ESO/Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX)/A.Weiss et al; X-ray and Infrared: NASA/Chandra/R. Kraft; JPL-Caltech/J. Keene; Text: Joan Schmelz (USRA) Explanation: When galaxi...

星系NGC 5775的垂直磁场

2021年01月27日 The Vertical Magnetic Field of NGC 5775 Image Credit: NRAO, NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing & Text: Jayanne English (U. Manitoba) Explanation: How far do magnetic fields extend up and out of spiral galaxies? For decades astronomers knew only that some spiral galaxies had magnetic fields. However, after NRAO’s Very Large Array (VLA) radio...


2021年01月20日 The Magnetic Field of the Whirlpool Galaxy Image Credit: NASA, SOFIA, HAWC+, Alejandro S. Borlaff; JPL-Caltech, ESA, Hubble; Text: Jayanne English (U. Manitoba) Explanation: Do magnetic fields always flow along spiral arms? Our face-on view of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) allows a spectacularly clear view of the spiral wave pattern in a disk-shaped...


2020 June 17 Magnetic Streamlines of the Milky Way Image Credit: ESA, Planck; Text: Joan Schmelz (USRA) Explanation: What role do magnetic fields play in interstellar physics? Analyses of observations by ESA’s Planck satellite of emission by small magnetically-aligned dust grains reveal previously unknown magnetic field structures in our Milky Way Gala...


2020 February 25 Jupiter’s Magnetic Field from Juno Video Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Harvard U., K. Moore et al. Explanation: How similar is Jupiter’s magnetic field to Earth’s? NASA’s robotic Juno spacecraft has found that Jupiter’s magnetic field is surprisingly complex, so that the Jovian world does not have single magnetic p...


2月13日,太阳轨道飞行器的首次测量数据传达地面,向国际科学小组证实了在成功地部署了航天器的仪器吊臂后,航天器上的磁力计状况良好。 版权:ESA;航天器:ESA/ATG Medialab;数据:ESA/Solar Orbiter/磁力计(MAG) 2月10日,欧洲航天局(ESA)的新型太阳探测航天器:太阳轨道飞行器(Solar Orbiter)发射升空。它携带有10个科学仪器,其中4个用来测量航天器周围环境的特性,特别是太阳风(由太阳发出的带电粒子流)的电磁特性。其中3种“原位”仪器(’in situ’ instruments)的传感器设置于4.4米长的吊臂上。 伦敦帝国理工学院的蒂姆•霍伯里(Tim Horbury)是磁力计仪器(Magnetometer instrument)的首席研究员,他表示:“我们所测...


2019 December 16 The Magnetic Fields of Spiral Galaxy M77 Image Credit: NASA, SOFIA, HAWC+; JPL-Caltech, Roma Tre. U.; ESA, Hubble, NuSTAR, SDSS Explanation: Can magnetic fields help tell us how spiral galaxies form and evolve? To find out, the HAWC+ instrument on NASA’s airborne (747) SOFIA observatory observed nearby spiral galaxy M77. HAWC+ maps mag...


2019 June 19 我们银河系中央的磁场 影像来源: NASA, SOFIA, Hubble 说明:我们银河系中央的磁场是什么样子的?为了找到答案,美国航天局的索菲亚平流层红外天文台(SOFIA)-一架由改装过的波音747搭载的望远镜-使用一种名为高分辨率机载宽带摄像机(HAWC+)的设备对中央区域进行了拍摄。HAWC+通过观察与局部磁场呈一致方向旋转的细长尘埃颗粒发出的红外偏振光来绘制磁力图。目前,位于我们银河系中央的是一个特大质量黑洞,它能吞噬最近被摧毁恒星所释放的气体。然而,与活跃星系中央黑洞的吸收率相比,我们银河系的黑洞相对比较安静。这幅特征影像提供了一个线索,关于为什么周围的磁场可能会将气体引入黑洞中,从而照亮黑洞的外部,或者迫使气体进入吸积盘保持停滞的状态,导致黑洞变得不太活跃,至少发现这样的...