标签: 至日


2022年9月24日 September Sunrise Shadows Image Credit & Copyright: Donato Lioce Explanation: The defining astronomical moment for this September’s equinox was on Friday, September 23, 2022 at 01:03 UTC, when the Sun crossed the celestial equator moving south in its yearly journey through planet Earth’s sky. That marked the beginning of fall for ...

秋分: 卡拉尼什巨石阵上空的日行迹

2022年9月18日 Analemma over the Callanish Stones Image Credit & Copyright: Giuseppe Petricca Explanation: If you went outside at the same time every day and took a picture that included the Sun, how would the Sun’s position change? A more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite image taken from the same spot at the same time over t...


2022年9月15日 Harvest Moon over Sicily Image Credit & Copyright: Dario Giannobile Explanation: For northern hemisphere dwellers, September’s Full Moon was the Harvest Moon. Reflecting warm hues at sunset it rises over the historic town of Castiglione di Sicilia in this telephoto view from September 9. Famed in festival, story, and song Harvest Moon i...


2022年6月21日 Analemma over Taipei Image Credit & Copyright: Meiying Lee Explanation: Does the Sun return to the same spot on the sky every day? No. A better and more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite of images taken at the same time and from the same place over the course of a year. The featured analemma was compiled at 4:30 pm ma...


2022年3月21日 The Sky in 2021 Image Credit & Copyright: Cees Bassa (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) Explanation: What if you could see the entire sky — all at once — for an entire year? That, very nearly, is what is pictured here. Every 15 minutes during 2021, an all-sky camera took an image of the sky over the Netherlands. Central c...