标签: 郁金香星云


A picture of a starfield with red emission nebulae is shown. Toward the right is a point of light that is Cygnus X-1, a nearby black hole. Above the black hole is a blue-shaded bow shock wave in the surrounding gas. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


2022年9月1日 The Tulip and Cygnus X-1 Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Kohlmann Explanation: Framing a bright emission region, this telescopic view looks out along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the nebula rich constellation Cygnus the Swan. Popularly called the Tulip Nebula, the reddish glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust is also found in ...


2021年7月29日 The Tulip and Cygnus X-1 Image Credit & Copyright: Carlos Uriarte Explanation: This tall telescopic field of view looks out along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the nebula rich constellation Cygnus the Swan. Popularly called the Tulip Nebula, the brightest glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust above center is also found in the ...


2019 September 21 The Tulip in the Swan Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Eder Explanation: Framing a bright emission region, this telescopic view looks out across a pretty field of stars along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, toward the nebula rich constellation Cygnus the Swan. Popularly called the Tulip Nebula, the reddish glowing cloud of interstell...