标签: 中子星


2022年8月21日 The Spinning Pulsar of the Crab Nebula Image Credit: NASA: X-ray: Chandra (CXC), Optical: Hubble (STScI), Infrared: Spitzer (JPL-Caltech) Explanation: At the core of the Crab Nebula lies a city-sized, magnetized neutron star spinning 30 times a second. Known as the Crab Pulsar, it is the bright spot in the center of the gaseous swirl at the nebula...


2021年7月14日 GW200115: Simulation of a Black Hole Merging with a Neutron Star Video Credit: Simulation: S.V. Chaurasia (Stockholm U.), T. Dietrich (Potsdam U. & MPIGP); Visualization: T. Dietrich (Potsdam U. & MPIGP), N. Fischer, S. Ossokine, H. Pfeiffer (MPIGP) Explanation: What happens when a black hole destroys a neutron star? Analyses indicate th...


2021年02月09日 Flashes of the Crab Pulsar Video Credit & Copyright: Martin Fiedler Explanation: It somehow survived an explosion that would surely have destroyed our Sun. Now it is spins 30 times a second and is famous for the its rapid flashes. It is the Crab Pulsar, the rotating neutron star remnant of the supernova that created the Crab Nebula. A carefu...


2019 December 18 A Hotspot Map of Neutron Star J0030’s Surface Image Credit: NASA, NICER, GSFC’s CI Lab Explanation: What do neutron stars look like? Previously these city-sized stars were too small and too far away to resolve. Recently, however, the first maps of the locations and sizes of hotspots on a neutron star’s surface have been mad...


2019 September 3 Unusual Signal Suggests Neutron Star Destroyed by Black Hole Illustration Video Credit: NASA, Dana Berry (Skyworks Digital) Explanation: What created this unusual explosion? Three weeks ago, gravitational wave detectors in the USA and Europe — the LIGO and Virgo detectors — detected a burst of gravitational radiation that had the...