Eleven years after the launch of the first H-II Transfer cargo vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station, the Japan Ae…
Eleven years after the launch of the first H-II Transfer cargo vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station, the Japan Ae…
We all have to do our housekeeping chores, even when we command the crew aboard the International Space Station. This past we…
This long-exposure photograph captures a starry sky above the Earth’s atmospheric glow as the International Space Stati…
Credit:NASA 北京时间8月3日凌晨2时48分(美国东部时间8月2日14时48分),NASA宇航员Robert Behnken 和 Douglas Hurley乘坐奋进号载人龙飞船,溅落在佛罗里达彭萨科拉(Pensacola)海岸。 载人龙飞…
NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley are aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft as it is lifted onto…
NASA astronauts Robert Behnken, left, and Douglas Hurley are seen inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft onboard …
Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program are aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon as it approa…
NASA is developing technologies to send humans to the Red Planet. The agency is working on an inflatable heat shield that all…
Technicians at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida recently finished meticulously applying more than 180 blocks of ablativ…