标签: 仙女座

NGC 206与仙女星系的恒星云

2023年4月12日 NGC 206 and the Star Clouds of Andromeda Image Credit & Copyright: Howard Trottier Explanation: The large stellar association cataloged as NGC 206 is nestled within the dusty arms of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy along with the galaxy’s pinkish star-forming regions. Also known as M31, the spiral galaxy is a mere 2.5 million light-yea...


2022年1月19日 M31: The Andromeda Galaxy Image Credit: Subaru (NAOJ), Hubble (NASA/ESA), Mayall (NSF); Processing & Copyright: R. Gendler & R. Croman Explanation: The most distant object easily visible to the unaided eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy. Even at some two and a half million light-years distant, this immense spiral galaxy — spann...


十月会发生什么?,一轮秋月以及蓝月,火星通宵达旦和一场穿越银河系的旅行。 Credit:NASA JPL 翻译:莫辞莫问的莫、林子杰 不仅一个,在月初和月未,这个月将带来两个圆满月。十月一日的满月被称作收获月,收获月是满月的名字,它最接近九月春分。每年两天中的一天,白天和黑夜长度相等。大多数年的收获月在九月落下,但每隔几年,它就会转移到10月。这个名字可以追溯到美洲原住民和欧洲传统,与收获时间有关。 Credit:NASA JPL Credit:NASA JPL 十月底,三十一号,我们将享受第二次满月。当一个月内有两次满月时,第二个满月往往被称作蓝月,蓝月还有另外一个更为传统的定义,但这是最为人熟知的。请注意这是2020年仅有的两次满月。 Credit:NASA JPL 十月是观察火星的好时机,因为这颗行星现在...


2020 March 27 A Little Drop of Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: Massimo Tamajo Explanation: A drop of water seems to hold an entire galaxy in this creative macro-astrophotograph. In the imaginative work of cosmic nature photography a close-up lens was used to image a previously made picture of a galaxy, viewed through a water drop suspended from a stem....


时间从左边到右边,声音的频率变化从下往上,频率范围从30赫兹到1G赫兹。 这是一张星系团,名为RXC J0142.9+4438,位于仙女座,距离我们大约40亿光年,2018年8月13日由哈勃空间望远镜拍摄,音频来自NASA Video。 [rml_read_more] NASA将一张哈勃深空图像进行了可听化处理