标签: 反射星云


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2023年10月28日 The Ghosts of Gamma Cas Image Credit & Copyright: Guillaume Gruntz, Jean-François Bax Explanation: Gamma Cassiopeiae shines high in northern autumn evening skies. It’s the brightest spiky star in this telescopic field of view toward the constellation Cassiopeia. Gamma Cas shares the ethereal-looking scene with ghostly interstellar clou...

IC 2118: 女巫头星云

2023年10月4日 IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Abdullah Alharbi Explanation: Does this nebula look like the head of a witch? The nebula is known popularly as the Witch Head Nebula because, it is said, the nebula’s shape resembles a Halloween-style caricature of a witch’s head. Exactly how, though, can be a topic of imagi...

IC 4592:蓝马头反射星云

2023年9月26日 IC 4592: The Blue Horsehead Reflection Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Antoine & Dalia Grelin Explanation: Do you see the horse’s head? What you are seeing is not the famous Horsehead nebula toward Orion, but rather a fainter nebula that only takes on a familiar form with deeper imaging. The main part of the here-imaged molecular ...

NGC 7023:鸢尾花星云

2023年9月2日 NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Lorand Fenyes Explanation: These cosmic clouds have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus. Called the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023 is not the only nebula to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this deep telescopic image shows off the Iris Nebula&#82...


2023年6月22日 Stars and Dust across Corona Australis Image Credit & Copyright: Alessandro Cipolat Bares Explanation: Cosmic dust clouds cross a rich field of stars in this telescopic vista near the northern boundary of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. Part of a sprawling molecular cloud complex this star forming region is a mere 500 light-years away. ...

NGC 1333:英仙座的恒星育婴室

2023年4月22日 NGC 1333: Stellar Nursery in Perseus Image Credit: Science – NASA, ESA, STScI, Processing – Varun Bajaj (STScI), Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Jennifer Mack (STScI) Explanation: In visible light NGC 1333 is seen as a reflection nebula, dominated by bluish hues characteristic of starlight reflected by interstellar dust. A mere 1,000 light-...


2023年2月2日 Reflections on the 1970s Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel Stern Explanation: The 1970s are sometimes ignored by astronomers, like this beautiful grouping of reflection nebulae in Orion – NGC 1977, NGC 1975, and NGC 1973 – usually overlooked in favor of the substantial glow from the nearby stellar nursery better known as the Orion N...