

2021年07月07日 Flight Through the Orion Nebula in Infrared Light Video Credit: NASA, Spitzer Space Telescope, Universe of Learning; Visualization: F. Summers (STScI) et al.; Music & License: Serenade for Strings (A. Dvořák), Advent Chamber Orch. Explanation: What would it look like to fly into the Orion Nebula? The exciting dynamic visualization of the Orion Nebula is based on real astronomical data and adept movie rendering techniques. Up close and personal with a famous stellar nursery normally seen from 1,500 light-years away, the digitally modeled representation based is based on infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The perspective moves along a valley over a light-year wide, in the wall of the region’s giant molecular cloud. Orion’s valley ends in a cavity carved by the energetic…



2020年8月28日 The Valley of Orion Visualization Credit: NASA, ESA, F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, J. DePasquale, L. Frattare, M. Robberto, M. Gennaro (STScI) and R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC) Explanation: This exciting and unfamiliar view of the Orion Nebula is a visualization based on astronomical data and movie rendering techniques. Up close and personal with a famous stellar nursery normally seen from 1,500 light-years away, the digitally modeled frame transitions from a visible light representation based on Hubble data on the left to infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope on the right. The perspective at the center looks along a valley over a light-year wide, in the wall of the region’s giant molecular cloud. Orion’s valley ends in a cavity carved by the energetic winds…



黑洞的最新可视化展示了黑洞的重力如何扭曲我们的视线及其周围的环境,就像在哈哈镜中看到的那样。可视化效果模拟了黑洞的外观:落入黑洞的物质积聚在一个又薄又热的结构中,称为吸积盘(accretion disk)。 随着磁场在气体的搅动中缠绕并扭曲,明亮的“结点”不断在吸积盘中形成并消散。最靠近黑洞的位置气体以接近光速运转,而外部速度更慢。这种速度差拉伸并剪切了这些明亮的“结点”,在吸积盘中产生了或明或暗的路线。 从侧面看,在黑洞周围的气体湍流呈现出神奇的双峰状外观。黑洞的极端重力会改变来自吸积盘不同部分的光的路径,从而产生这般扭曲的图像。侧视时扭曲的程度最大。 Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman 这张图注释了黑洞可视化中的各个部分。 Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman 从侧面看,吸积盘的左边看起来比右边更亮。这是因为左侧的发光气体在快速向我们移动,所以相对论使其亮度提高;右侧则相反,因为这一侧的气体离我们越来越远,所以看起来略微变暗。如果我们从吸积盘正上方看,这种不对称性便会消失,因为从该角度,我们的视线上没有物质移动。 靠近黑洞的地方,引力的效应如此之强,以至于吸积盘底面的光被弯曲到上面,看起来像勾勒黑洞轮廓的光环。这个所谓的“光子环”(photon ring)实际上由多个环组成,这些环绕黑洞两次、三次、甚至更多次,光环逐渐变暗变细,到后来逃离我们的“眼睛”。因为在这个可视化中建模的黑洞是球形的,光子环从任何角度看起来几乎是相同的圆形。光子环内部是黑洞的阴影,面积大约是事件视界(event horizon,“有去无回”的边界,即使是光也逃不出来)的两倍大小。 “爱因斯坦说过‘重力扭曲时空结构’,这样的模拟确实帮助我们了解了其中表达的含义,”这些图像的作者Jeremy Schnittman解释道,“在此之前,黑洞的可视化还受我们的想象力和计算机程序限制。我从来没有想过有可能看到一个真正的黑洞。” 在4月10日,通过对M87星系中心的无线电观测,事件视界望远镜(Event Horizon Telescope)团队发布了黑洞阴影的第一张图像。 参考 [1]https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/nasa-visualization-shows-a-black-hole-s-warped-world/ [2]https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13326