标签: 哈勃太空望远镜


Located in the constellation of Virgo (The Virgin), around 50 million light-years from Earth, the galaxy NGC 4535 is truly a stunning sight to behold. Despite the incredible quality of this image, taken from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, NGC 4535 has a hazy, somewhat ghostly, appearance when viewed from a smaller telescope. This led amateur astronomer...

邻近的大质量螺旋星系NGC 2841

2021年01月24日 Massive Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 2841 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, Subaru; Composition & Copyright: Roberto Colombari Explanation: It is one of the more massive galaxies known. A mere 46 million light-years distant, spiral galaxy NGC 2841 can be found in the northern constellation of Ursa Major. This sharp view of the gorgeous island uni...

NGC 2174的云山

2021年01月16日 The Mountains of NGC 2174 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Explanation: This fantastic skyscape lies near the edge of NGC 2174 a star forming region about 6,400 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation of Orion. It follows mountainous clouds of gas and dust carved by winds and radiation from the region’s n...


Thousands of sparkling young stars are nestled within the giant nebula NGC 3603, one of the most massive young star clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy. NGC 3603, a prominent star-forming region in the Carina spiral arm of the Milky Way about 20,000 light-years away, reveals stages in the life cycle of stars. Powerful ultraviolet radiation and fast winds from t...


一颗绕着一颗336光年远的双星运行的不太可能的行星,可能会为一个离我们更近的星球提供线索:太阳系中一个被称为第九行星的遥远的假设天体。 这张哈勃太空望远镜的影像显示了11颗木星质量的系外行星HD 106906b的一个可能的轨道(虚线椭圆)。这个遥远的世界与它的宿主恒星相距甚远,这些恒星的灿烂光芒在这里被掩盖,以便可以看到这个星球。这颗行星位于其系统的环绕恒星碎片盘之外,类似于我们自己的柯伊伯带,它由海王星以外的小而冰冷的天体组成。碎片盘本身是不对称且扭曲的,这可能是由于任性行星的引力拖曳所致。图像中的其他光点是背景恒星。 影像来源:NASA, ESA, M. Nguyen(加州大学伯克利分校),R. De Rosa(欧洲南方天文台),P. Kalas(加州大学伯克利分校和SETI研究所) 这是天文学家第一次能够...


This large expanse of space captured with the Hubble Space Telescope features the galaxy SDSS J225506.80+005839.9. Unlike many other extravagant galaxies and stunning nebulae imaged by Hubble, this galaxy does not have a short, popular name, and is only known by its long name given in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which refers to its coordinates in the sky. ...


2018年,一个国际研究团队使用美国航空航天局(NASA)/欧洲空间局(ESA)的哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)和其他几个天文台的数据,首次发现了一个缺失大部分暗物质的星系。这个星系位于银河系的邻居鲸鱼座(Cetus)之中,名为NGC1052-DF2,距离我们4500万光年。 NGC 1052-DF2星系的这一奇怪发现,令天文学家倍感意外,因为依据现有的理解,暗物质是当前星系形成和演化模型中的关键组成部分。实际上,如果没有暗物质的存在,原初气团将缺乏足够的引力来开始它的塌陷过程,也就无法并形成新的星系。 在此一年之后,研究人员又发现了另一个缺失暗物质的星系,NGC 1052-DF4星系,这进一步引发了天文学家关于这些天体性质的激烈争论。 来自NASA / ESA哈勃空间望远镜的新...


Lying inside our home galaxy, the Milky Way, this Herbig–Haro object is a turbulent birthing ground for new stars in a region known as the Orion B molecular cloud complex, located 1,350 light-years away. Herbig–Haro (HH) objects are bright patches of nebulosity associated with newborn stars that form when narrow jets of partially ionized gas ejected by stars...


我们天空中一些最令人惊叹的景象出现在日落时分,阳光穿透云层,形成了由云层的阴影和大气散射的光束形成的明暗混合光线。 研究邻近星系IC 5063的天文学家们被美国宇航局哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像所吸引。在这种情况下,从活跃星系耀眼的中心可以看到一束狭窄的明亮光线和阴影。 这张哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的附近活动星系IC 5063的中心图像显示,明亮的光线和来自炽热核心的阴影混合在一起,炽热核心是一个超大质量黑洞的所在地。天文学家认为,围绕黑洞的一圈尘埃物质可能正在将黑洞的阴影投射到太空中。根据他们的设想,这种光和影的相互作用可能会发生在巨黑洞爆炸的光撞击深埋在核心中的尘埃环的时候。光线穿过尘埃环上的缝隙,形成明亮的锥形射线。然而,圆盘上密集的斑块阻挡了一些光线,在星系中投射出长长的阴影。这种现象类似于太阳下山时阳光穿透地球...


Observed with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the faint galaxy featured in this image is known as UGC 12588. Unlike many spiral galaxies, UGC 12588 displays neither a bar of stars across its center nor the classic prominent spiral arm pattern. Instead, to a viewer, its circular, white and mostly unstructured center makes this galaxy more reminiscent of ...