“超松软”(Super-Puffs)听起来像一种新推出的早餐麦片,但实际上这是一种独特而罕见的年轻系外行星(exoplanets)的绰号。它们的密度跟棉花糖一样,我们的太阳系中并没有这种行星。 这张图描绘了类太阳恒星开普勒51和NASA开普勒太空望远…
“超松软”(Super-Puffs)听起来像一种新推出的早餐麦片,但实际上这是一种独特而罕见的年轻系外行星(exoplanets)的绰号。它们的密度跟棉花糖一样,我们的太阳系中并没有这种行星。 这张图描绘了类太阳恒星开普勒51和NASA开普勒太空望远…
This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows IC 2051, a galaxy in the southern constellation of Mensa (the Table…
NGC 3175 is located around 50 million light-years away in the constellation of Antlia (the Air Pump). The galaxy can be seen …
Within the tempestuous Carina Nebula lies “Mystic Mountain.” This three-light-year-tall cosmic pinnacle, imaged by the Hubble…
For this image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope turned its powerful eye toward an emission-line galaxy called NGC 3749. W…
左边是1979年3月2日由旅行者1号飞船从290万公里(180万英里)外拍摄的木卫二。下一幅是1979年7月9日旅行者2号飞船近距离接触木卫二时拍摄的彩色图像。右边是木卫二的图像,是由伽利略号飞船在20世纪90年代末拍摄的。 来源:NASA/JPL …
The universe is simply so vast that it can be difficult to maintain a sense of scale. Many galaxies we see through telescopes…
2019 November 6 21st Century M101 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC, JPL – Caltech, STScI Explanation: One of the last entri…
在这张由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像中,充斥在星系之间的是一些神秘的蓝光弧。这些实际上是星团后面遥远星系的扭曲图像。所有正常物质和暗物质聚集在星系团内部,它们共同的引力扭曲了时空,影响了穿过星系团向地球传播的光。 版权:美国国家航空航天局(NASA),欧…
The galaxy pictured in this Hubble image has an especially evocative name: the Medusa merger. Often referred to by its somewh…